Christian LivingMelissa Henderson

Shivers and Giggles

Today was a good day to clean out the dresser drawers in preparation of having clothes for changing weather. Each season, I am excited to put away certain items and bring out others. Those elusive shirts, sweaters, pants, and thick pajamas that have been hidden in plastic bins or the back of drawers are just waiting to be worn again.

The September air was usually a bit cooler in Virginia. My husband Alan and I have learned that there are big differences in the autumn seasons of the Lowcountry of South Carolina and the various areas of Virginia where we once lived.
Fall in Virginia meant apple picking, cool nights, snuggles by the fireplace, thick sweaters, and children and parents shivering in the mornings waiting at the bus stop.
Fall in the Lowcountry of SC means that when school begins after summer break, shorts and t-shirts continue to be a “must wear”. The neighborhood pool stays open until late September, and of course, holiday decorations adorn store shelves. Even as sweat rolls down our faces, the local department stores have started filling the shelves and aisles with scarecrows, fake corn stalks, Thanksgiving decor, and Christmas trees.

While Alan and I truly miss our family in Virginia, we do not miss the icy roads and below freezing temperatures. In fact, we’ve become accustomed to the heat here in SC and as soon as the weather turns a bit cool, we bring out the flannels and sweaters. When we first moved to SC, we marveled at how people would wear boots and coats when the temperature dial read 50 or 60 degrees. To us, that was warm.

Nowadays, 50 degrees is enough to bring shivers and wiggles. Dew on the grass brings the reminder that God is in control and He determines the weather each day. We give thanksgiving for each season. Summer, spring, winter, fall. Yes, we love them all.

God created this world for His children. God gives us sights, sounds, smells, and more to enjoy every day. This morning, I paused to notice ways He has blessed the day.

Hummingbirds drinking from the feeder.
Sunshine warms the grass.
Children laugh as they wait for the school bus to arrive.
Neighbors enjoying a morning walk.
The scent of newly mowed lawns.
Friends and strangers exchanging “Good morning” greetings.
Birds calling to each other.
The smell of warm buttered pancakes waiting on the breakfast table.
Dogs playfully barking at one another.
And most important, I notice my Bible waiting for me to read His Word. Sharing time with the Lord brings peace and comfort.

There may be shivers and wiggles on some days. Other times, heat and sweat cover us. Whatever the season, we can rest assured God has created the time for His children.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV)

How will you praise Him today? How can you thank Him for the blessings He provides?

In His Name,
Melissa Henderson

8 thoughts on “Shivers and Giggles

  • Jessica Brodie

    I love this! I was born and raised in Miami, FL, where seasons were basically “hot” and “warm.” Now having lived in Ohio, the mountains of North Carolina and currently near Columbia, SC, it’s neat to see the changing seasons and all the different varieties of color in which God has painted the world. I take great comfort knowing that no matter what season it is, God is with us and loves us.

    • Amen. No matter what the season, God is with us and loves us forever. 🙂 Have a blessed day Jessica!

  • Everything you describe has been the journey my husband and I have been on since moving from Michigan to Texas a few years ago. With the extreme heat of this past summer, it was impossible to walk together until the sun had set, or was near setting. In Michigan, summer is the time for perfect walking. The temperature is mild, compared to Texas, and the trees go through beautiful changes in Michigan, which we miss. We’ve adapted, but I would like to have Texas winter and Michigan summer every year.

    • I think it’s so amazing how we become accustomed to our surroundings. Alan and I miss the fall foilage of the Shenandoah Valley, but, we are thankful for the warmer winters here. 🙂 Have a blessed day!

  • Yvonne Morgan

    All the seasons do offer us joys but I love autumn with its colors and cooling temperatures (and football). What a gift God gave us in the change of seasons. Thanks Melissa

    • I agree that all the seasons offer joy. God gives us the most glorious seasons. Each one is special. I do enjoy the cooler temperatures. I love bringing out my sweatshirts and sweaters. 🙂 Have a blessed day!

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