Michelle Gott KimSpring Cleaning

SpringCleaning! I Heart You! March 16

March 16, 2021

I Heart You

Psalm 139:23-24, ‘God, I invite Your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares. See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to Your glorious, everlasting way—the path that brings me back to You (TPT).’

I think you would agree with me that the most extravagant of emotions and also the vilest come from the conditions of our hearts. I wonder sometimes what the Lord thinks when He sees the intimate ambitions of the hearts of the children whom He dreamt into being; what, apart from Him, humanity purposes for themselves.
For myself, I know the deceit that has lingered in my heart, and the selfish inclinations. I know the manipulative strands I have woven and the remanufactured lies I have told, and also believed. The shame that sprouted from the seeds of guilt having been planted in fertile soil of defeat and disgust broke this heart, offering a sentence of two different outcomes: one of life or one for death.

Insomuch as my heart has been weakened by its own suicidal tendencies it thrust on itself, out of my heart has also come my greatest passions and love, goodness and worth. I am enthralled sometimes at the bipolar personalities that exist in its chambers and the continual judge and jury trials that constantly seem to be in session.

See, we have a Savior Who saw the best in us and wanted nothing more than the chance to offer His own housekeeping services. He made a way to come into the hearts of humanity and do more than a SpringCleaning, but rather a complete eradication of our pasts. How amazing to be knit into the tapestry of His plan for me and then to be moved up the donor list and receive that heart transplant necessary for everlasting life.

For this reason, I believe that is why Jesus is so wild about our hearts and why He is so concerned for the protection and conditions therein. He says in Proverbs 4:23, ‘So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life (TPT).’ Sweetheart, He has a reckless love for you, an untamed heart after you and me, and it cost Him everything just so you could clean house and live unhindered from any past mess wasting space in your ‘Home’.

Come with me in March and let’s clean house!
If you are anything like me, you have kept some things around far too long
and now they got to go! And with the Lord’s help, they can!