Love StoryMichelle Gott Kim

SpringCleaning! the Neighborhood March 5

March 5, 2021

the Neighborhood

Revelation 21:3-5, ‘I heard a voice thunder from the Throne: “Look! Look! God has moved into the neighborhood, making His home with men and women! They’re His people; He’s their God. He’ll wipe every tear from their eyes. Death is gone for good—tears gone, crying gone, pain gone—all the first order of things gone.” The Enthroned continued, “Look! I’m making everything new. Write it all down—each Word, dependable and accurate.”’ (MSG)

His greatest longing is to live in your neighborhood, on your cul-de-sac, and not to be weird, but in your very home. It cost the Father, and the Son, A LOT, to come to earth, and mingle with humanity. True, God could snap His fingers. I mean, He is God of the universe, so snapping His fingers and having compliance isn’t a surprise. But He did not do that. He birthed you and me in His heart. He conceived you in His mind; He gestated with you; He expected your arrival. He birthed you. Because He wanted nothing more than to hang out with you. In your messy home, your dilapidated dreams, your noxious neighborhood.
Once you invite Him in, don’t think He is just going to hang out as a guest. He is coming inside, all up in your business, and He is going to take over. Don’t relegate Him to a couch or offer Him the guest towels in your washroom. He will want to move right in and get comfy and know some stuff. Let Him take off His shoes and stay awhile. Ask Him to sup with you and you with Him, and He will break Himself, and offer you a piece of forever. He is not any ordinary neighbor or guest, and once you ask Him inside, you will never feel the same again. In fact, you will feel so empty if He ever leaves, you will pursue Him until He returns again. To stay for good, this time.

Come with me in March and let’s clean house!
If you are anything like me, you have kept some things around far too long and now they got to go! And with the Lord’s help, they can!