Arts & PoetryChristian LivingEsther Florence

Standing Alone With Jesus

Deep inside dwells an ardent desire, A little spark that may break out as fire,
A longing, a yearning in me I see, Forever in the majority I long to be.
How true in my life, filled with sorrow and strife,
Is the temptation to flow with the tide, and take the world in my stride
To be in the minority is very rare, I do not want to be the one the world will stand and stare!
But didn’t Daniel stand all alone surrounded by lions,
With strong trust in His Master and Lord,
Didn’t the little boy David face the mighty Goliath,
With firm confidence in His Divine Shepherd,
Didn’t Stephen face the hurting stones,
Forgiving his accusers on his knees,
Didn’t Elijah call fire from heaven,
To defeat the prophets of Baal all alone?
They were not alone…It was You dear Lord by their side,
The invisible friend, the mighty warrior, the caring shepherd, the Loving Savior,
I will not long to be in a thronging crowd, I’d rather stand alone with Jesus!!