For the Love of PetsStephanie Hawkins

Summer fun with pets

Summer Fun with Pets

Summertime can be such a great time of year to spend with family, friends, and pets. However, everything seems to revolve around cool drinks and air conditioning this time of the year. We will talk about how to keep your pet safe during the summertime such as pest prevention, foods that are great to keep your pet cool and some safe activities. Most likely if you are interacting with your pet during the summer, it is a dog, but we will discuss some things to do for cats too, especially if you have outdoor cats.

Cats, just like dogs, get hot in the summer and require some changes in their environment to keep them cool. There are some simple things you can do to beat the heat. You can add ice cubes to their water to keep their dish cool and fresh. There are also some cool frozen snacks you can purchase for your cat too to keep them cool. There are also some nifty cooling collars for pets at most online stores. Lastly, you can buy a bed that is raised off the ground and kept in the shade or on a covered deck, click here to see. If you have an outdoor cat consider bringing them into an indoor space during extreme temperatures.

Now, let’s talk pest prevention during the summer. Fleas and ticks can be a big problem in some parts of the world. Cats are different than dogs and some preventions can be poisonous to cats. There are many on the market that work, but every animal is different in how they react to medications. Find the one that works best for your needs, click here for options. It is important to keep your pet pest free so that they are comfortable and healthy.

Most importantly, NEVER leave your pet in a car or closed area during the summer. Temperatures can rise to deadly degrees and kill your pet. If you are going someplace with your pet and need to make stops plan your day accordingly. If at any time you notice your cat panting heavily, acting lethargic or out of the ordinary take them to the vet immediately.

On to my favorite part…Dogs! Dogs can be a little more complicated since dogs spend more time with their families during the summer. However, some of the same principles still apply when it comes to keeping them safe. It can be fun to freeze certain foods for dogs to enjoy during those hot summer afternoons. Dogs often love fruit and freezing it just makes it more interesting to them. You can find recipes for dog popsicles online that can be fun for you and your family to make for your furry friend. Like cats, you can purchase many things to keep your dog cool like collars, frozen snacks, raised beds and adding ice cubes to their water. The same principles still apply when it comes to pest prevention for dogs. However, it is more common to hear about another pest in the summer with dogs more than cats. Dogs are susceptible to heartworms and need monthly prevention for the deadly disease (cats are too but it is not as commonly heard, ask your vet about prevention for your cat). Get your pet to the vet to get tested and started right away on heartworm prevention. Heartworms are transmitted through an infected mosquito bite. Some flea and tick preventions also prevent mosquitos. Click here to shop for pest preventions for your dogs. Like mentioned for cats, shop around to find the best prevention for your dog. Some preventatives are internal, and some are applied on the dog’s neck. Each animal is different and may require specific preventions to ward off fleas, ticks, and other pesky pests.

If you choose to travel with your pet be sure to carry along water, poo bags, and snacks to keep your pet healthy and happy out in the heat. If you notice your dog panting that is normal since it is how they naturally cool themselves. However, if your dog’s tongue is hanging out further than normal and panting heavily get your dog to a cool spot and call your vet. Dogs can die from heat stroke just like people. Be sure to prevent this by keeping your pet cool as much as possible. NEVER leave your pet in a closed car or building during the summer without air conditioning. As mentioned before, temperatures rise quickly in the summer faster than we realize. Dogs have been known to die in hot cars and buildings far more than they should.

Here is a list of signs of heat stroke:
Extreme, heavy panting
Tongue hanging longer than normal
High Temperature
Fast Heartbeat
* If your dog is experiencing any of these symptoms, please seek veterinary care immediately.

Summer fun with your pet does not have to be complicated. Keep them pest free, cooled down and snacking on yummy things. When experiencing summer fun be sure to take all the essentials with you and your pet so you are prepared! Have fun this summer and take lots of photos with you and your pet to remember during those dreary winter days!