Karin ThompsonKingdom Motivation

Thanksgiving / Gratitude

Maybe this year at Thanksgiving it would be the perfect time to rethink how you live your life. Are you a half-tank-empty type of person? Not appreciating the small things in life. Or are you, and I hope you are a tank is half full type of person, always thankful?

Do you see the good in everything, the silver lining?

I know life can be tough and in today’s times, there are always challenges. But news flash–there always will be. The only way you will have no challenges is in heaven. So we have to learn how to live in the here and now. 

One way to be grateful for what you have is to switch your mindset to one thing at a time, thinking. Multitasking can distract and slow you down. You can get overwhelmed with too many things on your plate. Learn to live in the ‘NOW’. Be fruitful in the now and give it your full attention, focusing on one thing at a time. 

When we are overwhelmed, we cannot concentrate. Enjoying each moment–appreciating it and giving it our best effort.

You may say that’s well and good, but if you had my life, you wouldn’t be so happy. Well, that’s just it. It’s your life. You are in charge of it. If you don’t like it, change it! I know there’s that word again: CHANGE.

Take control of your life, take control of you. Get a routine, start some good habits, and get focused. Make yourself number one. Take care of yourself–spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. This will require a mental mind shift because you may think this is selfish to be spending time on yourself. But fulfilling these needs will definitely make you a happier person and more grateful. 

Think about how you want to live, and what kind of life you want, and work on how to achieve it. Become conscious about what is important to you by setting new values. This is very important. You need to know how you want to spend your time and energy. What can you do more? What can you do less? Is what you have in life a mismatch between where you are and where you’d like to be? What do you need to do to change?

Don’t be a superwoman. Get help and share the load. This will add value to your time and make you grateful for a friend or a spouse. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. People who love you will only be too happy to help. 

Smell the roses. Find time to have fun, laugh, and enjoy good company. Don’t always be in a rush and going at full speed. Stop, pause, take a deep breath. Relaxing and taking time out isn’t a sin. Read a book, have coffee with a friend, walk the dog. Rejuvenate. Take a hot bath. Learn to say ‘No’. Not everything needs to be done by you. Let people help you.

These are only a few hints to help you improve your life. If we want a better life, we have to be grateful for what we have now. Added value only comes from appreciating the now. Why would you give anyone more if all they did was complain about what they already have? 

So change what you can, be happy, and keep your heart full of gratitude. You don’t need more time; you need to value the time you have. Now that my friend is a grand plan.