Christmas InspirationsRonald A. Moore, Jr.

The Christmas Spirit

The bell ringers at the store.  Time off from work.  The churches/organizations that supply gifts for needy families.  To the wonderful people that pay off layaways.  The carolers that go from neighborhood to neighborhood.  The nice little Christmas plays.  The presents under the tree. It is something about Christmas that seems to make people nicer.  It’s like there is something in the air.  Now of course there are a few grinches here and there, but mostly people are in the fondest moods.  I believe that Christmas generally brings out the best in everyone.  Why is that?  I believe that during this time, people embrace the “The Christmas Spirit”.  

What is the Christmas Spirit?

I know that we hear this all the time, but HE IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON.  Christmas is a celebratory time because we are celebrating the birth of THE SAVIOUR of all of mankind.  When Jesus was born men finally had a sense of real hope.  In fact, an angel of the Lord described Jesus’ birth like this:  Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men (Luke 2:14).  The bible tells us that God loved you and I so much it caused Him to give up something very precious–His son.  That is the essence and core of The Christmas Spirit. The Christmas Spirit is a time to give!  That is why people are in such a giving mood.  They are embracing the very Spirit of God and God is the biggest giver of all time!  So whether people realize or not during Christmas they are yielding to God’s spirit.  

Christmas, all year around?

Who says that Christmas has to be for only one month?  Someone might respond, “My bank account does”!  I’m not necessarily talking about buying gifts everyday, but certainly it includes the giving of material goods.  I’m more talking about embracing the Spirit of God.   His Spirit will often magnify the needs of someone else more than your own.  His Spirit will lead you down the road of humility and love for mankind.  His Spirit will teach you to be bold ambassadors for Jesus.  The Christmas Spirit is not only available for Christmas.  Since God is with us always, His Spirit is as well.