Christian StoriesMelissa Henderson

The End of Summer Brings A New Beginning

Every morning, I look outside and give thanks to God for His many blessings. Each day brings different reasons to notice and acknowledge the glorious gifts God provides through nature. In spring, summer, winter, and fall, there is hope found while resting in the promises of the Father. Today, I am remembering that the end of summer brings a new beginning.

September in the Lowcountry of South Carolina brings cooler temperatures in the mornings and evenings. Holly bushes with their sticky leaves are ready to be pruned. Sunflowers stand tall and reach for the sunshine. Potted plants of orange marigolds and red impatiens have outgrown the ceramic pots as they wait to be replanted. Early morning dew on the grass glistens as the sun rises.

God’s creations can be enjoyed through our senses. During autumn, we can find joy in the scent of freshly picked apples, the sight of bright yellow chrysanthemums, the crackling sound of fallen leaves as we walk across the yard, the smooth or bumpy feel of pumpkins growing in the field, and the call of the certain birds as they return to the feeders.

These things and more signal an end to summer and also, a new beginning. While summer has come and gone, we can now look forward to autumn adventures. Daylight grows shorter, the school year begins, and seasonal displays for fall, Thanksgiving, and Christmas begin filling the shelves at local stores.

The world is forever changing and we can share God’s love with others through each change. Giving thanks for His creations, taking care of all God has provided, and showing others how to have compassion and love are ways to help lead people to Him.

You may have been asked, “What is your favorite season?” My answer is always the same. “I love something about every season.”

Even though I don’t enjoy bitter cold or extreme heat, I look for ways to be thankful. I may not like the times when hurricanes form in the oceans and head to land, but I’m grateful for weather reports and technology that gives alerts. I may complain when temperatures are too hot or cold to take my daily walks in the neighborhood, but I’m grateful for ways to exercise inside.

As I look at the calendar hanging on the kitchen pantry door, I see by the date that the end of summer is here and a new beginning is happening at this very moment. I give thanks to God. His mercies are new each day.

How do you experience the end of summer? Do you look for a new beginning? You are loved and cherished by God.
Have a blessed day!

In His Name,
Melissa Henderson

6 thoughts on “The End of Summer Brings A New Beginning

  • Yvonne Morgan

    Because of living in Oklahoma, I’m usually glad to see summer and the heat leave our area. I look forward to fall each year and the cooler temps. And I love the colors of the season. I’m so glad gave us changing season so we could enjoy them. Thanks Melissa

    • Yes, I’m glad God gave us changing seasons to enjoy. Today feels more like the beginning of fall in the Lowcountry of SC. We’ll see what tomorrow brings. 🙂 Have a blessed weekend! 🙂

  • Jessica Brodie

    Amen! It’s beautiful to be able to see evidence of God in every season. Praise God and thanks be to Him, now and forever!

    • Amen. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! 🙂 Have a blessed weekend!

  • Thank you for this message of joy as we remember God’s blessings in every season! Like you, I don’t love the extreme temperatures, but I try to see God’s hand in each moment. May God bless you and your family in this new season!

    • Thank you Melissa. Seeing God’s hand in each moment truly brings peace. Have a blessed week! 🙂

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