Betty PredmoreChristian LivingFashion & Beauty

The Perfect Outfit

We women worry about what we wear. We fuss over our outfits, shop for the perfect ensemble, making sure we look good and that we meet the latest style requirements. Our outward appearance is important to us.

Sometimes we have an “off day” when our clothes don’t match, our hair is a mess, and not an ounce of makeup touches our face. Boy, do we feel yucky on those days! But when everything is good with our wardrobe, our hair is where it should be, and our “face” is on, we are ready to take on the world!

This has become our way of life because it is what society expects. We couldn’t possible show up to the dinner in an outfit we have previously worn! How horrible to have on last season’s shoes! Won’t they all be expecting me to look my finest?

This is where we often put our focus when we should be more concerned with how our attitude and behavior appears. When people see us, do they see gentleness, patience, kindness, or any other fruit? Are we conducting ourselves with the compassion that imitates Jesus to those around us? Is grace a part of our inner adornment?

I remember as a child, watching my Granny get herself “done up.” She would tease her hair up all over her head. It was a crazy mess as it piled up and out all around her face. But somehow she would transform that halo of mess into a nice style by the time she was done. And she would painstakingly apply her makeup. My memory recalls that she never quite got her foundation blended in at the neckline. When finished, she was beautiful.

My memory also recalls that she was beautiful before she ever started getting “done up.” She was beautiful because of her kind heart, her compassionate nature, and her gentleness. She was beautiful because she never let a person go hungry, and helped whenever and however she could.

You see, it is not our hairstyle, our makeup, or our fabulous outfits in the latest fashions that make us beautiful. It is not perfect eyebrows or fuller lips that give us inner beauty. We are not defined by a brand name or a perfect haircut.

It is our heart, our soul and the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. It is that assuredness that we are created in his image, fearfully and wonderfully made, free and transformed, loved, royal, and worthy.

Do not let your adorning be external – the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear – but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. (1 Peter 3:3-4 ESV)

Inviting Jesus into your heart, having that assurance of salvation, and owning that unsurpassable joy is what makes us beautiful. Having a gentle and compassionate spirit makes us beautiful in the sight of God. Salvation is the surest way to true beauty.

That righteousness that comes from a true relationship with the Savior is what makes us sparkle and shine. It brings a brilliance to us to which nothing else can compare.

Having that respect and reverence for the Father makes us beautiful beyond measure. Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. (Proverbs 31:30 ESV). These are the true elements of beauty…the perfect outfit for all seasons.

It’s okay to look fabulous ladies. Let’s face it…it is a confidence booster when we know we look good. But let’s remember that our inner beauty is so much more relevant than our outer beauty. The attributes of Christ really do make the perfect outfit.