Anne-Marie MadoreAnne-Marie's Bookshelf

The Spiritual Warfare Guide for Every Parent


Iris Delgado
Foreword by Joni Lamb

The front cover and title of this book grabbed my attention. I scanned the back for more details, then looked inside to see when it was released. Wow, 2011, but that did not deter me from wanting to read it. I’ve discovered books based on scripture are timeless; the message within applicable for today.

Joni Lamb, President, Daystar TV is greatly respected and well-known around the world. She wrote the foreword for the book. In it she says, “You will be encouraged, inspired, and motivated to not give up on your children. Parenting is one of the most difficult challenges in life.” Yes; I agree, parenting can be challenging, but thanks to God, and books like this one, help is available.

For years; I knew Satan was evil but my knowledge of his capabilities was limited. I had no idea that spiritual warfare even existed. A book like SATAN, You CAN’T HAVE MY CHILDREN would have benefited me greatly.

Today, I’m a born-again believer with adult children and grandchildren. I’m a devoted reader of the Bible; and fully aware that Satan is the god of this world. He is out to destroy all the good God has planned for me and my family. Praise God; His power is greater that the power of the enemy. Iris Delgado studied at length the works of Satan and all his workers of inquiry. What she shares in her book is astounding. I’m grateful the Lord put her book in my path.

Readers of SATAN, You CAN’T HAVE MY CHILDREN will understand the need for knowledge and wisdom concerning spiritual warfare. The author states, “Satanic forces are stalking every family on this earth. The enemy is the devil, who “prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (I Peter 5:8). He is the thief who “comes only to steal, kill and destroy” our loved ones. (John 10:10).” Testimony stories from the author’s life speak for themselves.

The author provides a breakdown of eight spiritual weapons available to Christians, that when applied, will enable them to defeat Satan every time. Also provided are: God’s Promises for Parents; the Prayer of Faith; the Prayer for Despondent and Rebellious Children; and the Declaration of Faith. Parents will find specific prayers that can be personalized scattered throughout the book.

Iris Delgado includes under, My Identity And Position In Christ, a list of confessions based on Scripture that enables the reader to understand what is means to be a child of God. Reading these confessions aloud reaffirms who we are in Christ, a tool of great value when Satan is bombarding the mind with lies that contradict the truth found in God’s Word.

I recommend SATAN, You CAN’T HAVE MY CHILDREN, it’s an amazing resource for parents and grandparents with children of all ages.

Anne-Marie Madore is the author of God Said, “I WILL” Promise book. Visit her website, anne-marie to read her God Inspired Blog and more.