Dr. MelMel Tavares

The Struggle of wondering without purpose

The questions of why we exist and the meaning of life on this earth are ones most of us ask. We yearn to
discover why we are here and desire to know our life is significant. We all desire to know and feel there
is a specific reason for being born. There is ever-increasing anxiety and depression among Christians
struggling to figure out their calling and purpose.

One must look at the big picture to discover the purpose of life on earth. All of us are created for God’s
pleasure. Humans are made in the image and likeness of God. There are multiple Bible verses to this
point, including Genesis 1:27. It brings Him joy when we live our lives for Him and worship Him. Each of
us is intricately designed with specific gifts, talents, and purposes for being on this earth.

Perhaps you have been taught differently. I urge you to consider the existence of life on earth.
If there is no God, there is no intelligent design. Without intelligent design, animals and plants would be
here by accident with no purpose. It would also mean you are on earth by accident and just a random
chance. That is not the case. Your life has meaning. Searching for meaning but finding no answers leads
to depression and feelings of there being no point to life.

The Meaning Your Life Has on Earth
I don’t know your circumstances, but I am sure you are here for a specific purpose. Often, we get
discouraged when we face difficult times and are prone to think there is no meaning and no point in life.
The opposite circumstances also lead one to question the real meaning of existing on earth. You may be
successful in your career and living comfortably, yet wondering if this is all there is to the purpose of

You are not here by accident. God created you in this space in time, and you were born in your
geographic region to fulfill a specific purpose He designed for you in your generation. Acts 13:36 (NIV)
tells us that David, one of the best-known men in the Bible, “served God’s purpose in his generation. “
Esther is one of the better-known women in the Bible and questioned why she had to be the
spokesperson for the Jews. In Esther 4:14 (ESV) she was asked, “…and who knows whether you have not
come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Discover Your Specific Purpose on Earth
Your life has a specific purpose too. No one else can do what you are designed to do because you are
unique. God loves unique and thoughtfully designed you. That’s right! You DO have a purpose and are
incredibly gifted and filled with God-given talents.

The Bible says, “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s
womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex. Your workmanship is marvelous and how well
I know it.” (Psalm 139-13-14 NLT)

David had a specific purpose. Esther had a specific purpose. I’ve already pointed you to Scriptures in the
Bible verifying you are created in God’s image, uniquely designed for His pleasure, and created for a
unique purpose.

Three Steps to Begin Discovering Your Purpose
1. If you are not already a part of a Bible-teaching church, join one. There, you will find like-minded
Christ-followers who are intent on becoming more like Christ (remember, we are made in His image to
become like Him) and desire to live with purpose. They will disciple (teach) you to help you learn more
about your purpose.
2. Answer the question, “What would I do for the rest of my life if time and money were no issue and I
knew I could not fail?” The answer to your question will reveal your passion. Your purpose is typically
aligned with your passion.
3. Begin small and serve others. Frequently, we don’t pursue passion because of time, money, and the
fear of failure. Are you passionate about cooking? Maybe you can’t afford to open a restaurant right
now, but could you cook meals at a soup kitchen? Whatever your passion, find a way to begin to express
it in small ways.

I pray blessings over you, the reader, as you begin to live a life of greater passion and purpose.