Daily DiscernMichelle Gott Kim


They Still Speak

The Silent Language of Living Wounded

Wherever you are today, your limitations, your walls, your scars are before God’s eyes.

September 16th, 2022


CONTINUED (from Wednesday, September 14th)

Luke 7:44-48, ‘Then He spoke to Simeon about the woman still weeping at His feet. “Do you see what this woman kneeling here? She is doing for me what you didn’t bother to do. When I entered your home as your guest, you didn’t think about offering me water to wash the dust off my feet. Yet she came into your home and washed my feet with her many tears and then dried my feet with her hair. You didn’t even welcome me into your home with the customary kiss of greeting, but from the moment I came in she has not stopped kissing my feet. You didn’t take the time to anoint my head with fragrant oil, but she anointed my head and feet with the finest perfume. She has been forgiven of all her many sins. This is why she has shown me such extravagant love. But those who assume they have very little to be forgiven will love me very little.” (TPT)

‘Shhhh! Shhhh! Shhhh! Hey, it’s okay. Shhhh, stop screaming. Someone will come and we don’t want that. I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.’

The girl was willing her eyes to accustom to the darkness, but just as she’d struggled to grow used to the life she now led, she couldn’t make herself adjust to the ink she’d been sucked into. The voice was kind and gentle and that of a woman and immediately she wanted to weep. She missed her mom more than ever in that one moment.

She felt a hand on her face, wiping at tears, another on her shoulder. ‘Come with me,’ the woman beckoned. She hesitated, but almost as if she’d lost control of herself, her feet began to follow. Curiosity chided her, hunger shoved her forward. She smelled food and it smelled good, and it was calling her name as her stomach flipflopped inside of her.

Before she knew it, she was drawn into a brilliant room, streaming with late day light and sprinkled with something feeling like peace and hope. A table stood before her, and a chair was pushed away from the edge, and on the tabletop lay a plate covered with steaming food. Her mouth watered even though she attempted to turn away.

‘For you,’ the kind woman with the soft eyes whispered. ‘Sit. Eat. Then we will talk.’ She started to shake her head, but the woman led her to the chair and gently directed her to be seated. ‘G’on,’ she encouraged. ‘It’s okay. I promise. There’s nothing amiss. You’re in good hands now.’ Before she could stop herself—almost as if she couldn’t help herself—the girl began to grasp her silverware and shovel in bitefuls of food. ‘Take your time,’ the woman reminded her. ‘There’s no hurry.’ But it was still difficult to slow down; she was so frightened it would disappear or she would awaken and find it all a dream.

Eventually, she reached her fill and couldn’t find room for even one more bite. She wiped her face, feeling like the entire plate of food sat apparent and awkward on her bare stomach. Embarrassed, she tried to cover herself, and turned to the woman. ‘Why me?’ she asked in a trembling voice. ‘Why not you?’ the woman murmured quietly.

‘I don’t deserve all this. I’m…I’m…I’m a whore and a tramp…and so unworthy of your care and attention. I have nothing to give you in exchange for this. I don’t belong…’ She raised her eyes very slowly until they met the woman’s.

‘Shhhh,’ the woman replied. ‘Neither did I.’ Tears filled her eyes and squeezed from the corners, sliding down her cheeks. ‘Someone rescued me once upon a time and so I wanted to pay forward the gift I received. My husband—the man who picked you up—and I help girls we believe the Lord directs us to. We have been watching you, dear, and we don’t believe you want this for yourself and your son. There is another life that is available to you. We can help you. You can have that life. We want to give it to you and your baby if you’ll trust us and let us help you. Someone once did the same for me and now I can do this for you.’

The girl couldn’t believe the words she was hearing even though she wanted to so badly. ‘Why me,’ she was finally able to squeak. ‘How? I am so filthy, so wretched, so stained.’

The woman reached for a tattered book the girl recognized as a Bible and she began to read her a story she remembered from her childhood. She had always pictured the woman in the story as beautiful, not scarred like her. But as she listened, really listened this time, she recognized that she and the woman in the Bible with the alabaster jar likely resembled one another in many ways. She pictured herself holding the same jar and thought of what it would be like to dump it on Jesus, to wash His feet with her many tears and wipe it with her hair. She envisioned the look of love He would return to her, and she could hear the echo of His love for her as He offered her His forgiveness. Suddenly, a river of tears began, like a dam had broken free, and she reached out to the grandma-type sitting next to her.

‘Yes!’ she exclaimed. ‘Can I please have what you have to offer? And then can we go get my son? He deserves so much more than this too. Please.’

‘Yes, dear. Let’s hurry. My husband is waiting by the door. We will take you and we will help you, and someday, you will do the same for someone else. I promise.’

Luke 7:49-50, ‘Then Jesus said to the woman at his feet, “All your sins are forgiven.” All the dinner guests said among themselves, “Who is the one who can even forgive sins?” Then Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith in me has given you life. Now you may leave and walk in the ways of peace.” (TPT)

~     ~     ~

She quietly stood in the shadows, watching cautiously for just the right moment. At the perfect time, she stepped out of the shade and placed a small hand into that of the young girl standing on the street corner. Startled, the girl opened her mouth to scream, but quickly the woman answered, ‘Shhhh. It’s okay. I promise. I have something I want to give you that won’t cost you a thing, but it will give you everything you are trying to earn to no avail. Trust me. I won’t let you down.’

‘Why? Why me?’ the girl demanded. ‘I don’t deserve anything! I am filthy dirty. No one loves me.’

‘Yes, Someone does. I promise. We want to help you to know the Someone Who loves you and wants to rescue you. Believe me, I know. I was once where you are, and someone kind rescued me, so I am here now to rescue you. All you must do is give me a chance and trust me. I’ll show you. I promise you, it’s okay. Come with me.’


Isaiah 49:16, ‘”Can’t you see? I have carved your name on the palms of My hands! Your walls are always my concern.”’