Question of the Week??

What is the first thing you’ll do /place you will go when the social distancing restrictions have been lifted?

Erica Scevers
Children’s/Young Adult Pastor
Whatcom New Life Assembly
Ferndale, WA

“Where is the first place I will go when the restrictions are lifted? For me, it’s not really where I want to go but who I want to see. For all of us social butterflies, being at home 24/7 has been a challenge. Over the last few months I have craved face-to-face communication with people. The chance to give someone other than a family member a hug (of course hugging my family is always great) would bring me about the same joy as winning the lottery or eating any and every kind of carb I want without any consequences. Although, I am actually pretty impressed with my ability to go this long without entering the doors of a mall. I mean, it’s not like I have the choice, but this is a big deal for me. You can only go so far with online shopping, sometimes you just have to try on the pants before you buy them. During this season I have learned what a treasure it is to simply just be with other people, and how much I miss it. Often times we find ourselves signing-up for every activity, planning vacations, and making sure our calendars are full just about every weekend. I have learned to slow down and appreciate the small things… Walking into a coffee shop and catching up with a friend, laughing around a campfire, and shaking someone’s hand during greeting time at Church. My prayer is that I don’t forget what I have learned through this season. At times it might have felt slow and never ending. In reality is was what I needed, it was what my heart needed. I needed to stop and see what a gift each day truly is. I am always so focused on the future that I often don’t realize what God is doing right in front of me. I am hopeful and expectant for all that God is doing and going to do in this next season.

During this time it has really got me thinking. You hear how everyone is ready to go back to “Normal” but I truly believe that is the problem… we were so used to fast pace go…. go…. go, that we weren’t stopping to smell the flowers so to speak. So, to your question as to what I will do when this is over? Hug my children more, tell my loved ones how thankful I am for them. I’ll continue to pray like I have during this time, I’ll be nicer to others, I’ll make sure I’m at every church service I am able to attend. I’ll make sure I say I love you more… I’ll spend more time with my family. Why? Because life has been too busy and I truly believe God wants us to realize what really matters to us. So, when this is over we don’t need to go back to the so called “normal” we need to slow down and love our life.

Shelley Knebel
Children’s Pastor,
Hillcrest Church
Bellingham, WA

The first thing I want to do is be able to hug my friends. To meet in person. I want to have company for dinner and long conversations over coffee, not over zoom.

Cacy Jo Harmon
Transformation Church
Tulsa, OK

Oddly enough I can’t wait to get back into my physical work building. It’s been a blessed position and place where normal, everyday ministry takes place and I have missed it. I’ve missed connecting with people I would never have had the opportunity to know if it wasn’t for my job!

Dianna Wollmann
Nico’s Coffee Roastery
Lynden, WA

I’ve heard it said that you don’t know what you have till it’s gone. It’s crazy how we take for granted the simple enjoyments and pleasures that we participate in without much thought or effort. There are a few things that immediately pop into mind when I ask myself that question. First and foremost, I would attend church and soak in the atmosphere… it’s just not the same when you stream via Zoom, Facebook or whichever modality provided. A few other things that are high on my list of things to do are having friends over for dinner and coffee (I love entertaining and have been missing it), consignment shopping (this is sort of my therapy) and taking the kids to a trampoline place (to release some penned up energy).

Terri Hart,
Canyon View Baptist Church,
Montrose, CO

“The first place I am going to is back to church! Fortunately, we get to do that tonight since we have a pretty small church. Then I am going to go see some friend in Angel Fire, NM who I haven’t gotten to see for awhile. I am also praying that oldest daughter, Lynnsi, will get to come home from Nebraska for a visit when this is over!”

Diane Anderson
Teacher, Survivor & Warrior
Portland, OR

There are so many thoughts and plans—camping trips, attending church services with my church family, having my craft crew over for our normal Tuesday morning craft time… With thought, however, I want to have a block potluck BBQ party with all of our neighbors. We have met many while out walking-keeping physical distance, of course. 15 years we have lived here and are only now meeting some of them. I want to really get to know them now.