Cyndi WoodsMusicWomen Who Inspire

Women Who Inspire: Singer/Songwriter, Beth Karp

We have had the honor and pleasure of talking with singer/song writer Beth Karp and she is here to tell us a little about herself, her family, and her ministry. Let’s just get right into hearing what Beth has to share with us…

Cyndi Woods: Please introduce yourself and tell our readers a little history of you and your family.
Beth Karp: Hello, I am Beth Karp, a singer/song writer, producer, worship leader, and women’s mentor from the UK. I am blessed with a husband whom I also work with on some of my music. We have four crazy kids ages Four-years-old up to twelve-years-old. I was born in the early 1980’s into a church family but my folks got divorced when I was young. So, church became less frequent for me and more about seeing my Dad then any spiritual Journey. I left church in my early teens and didn’t return until much later in my adult life.

CW: Have you always had a love for music?
BK: This might actually seem like a funny answer, I remember liking music but more because of how singing made me feel. Although I do remember music playing a large roll my teens and singing along to Alanis Morsette, Eva Cassidy, No Doubt garbage and others. Music really came into its own when I wrote my own songs. I preferred to amerce myself in that side of music rather than listening to it.

CW: What is your earliest memory of singing?
BK: I have pretty much been singing since I could talk. I recall singing continually in the car and my mother asking me to sing “Edelweiss” and “You are my sunshine”, stuff like that. I also remember having a double tape deck that I would sellotape the wholes on tapes to be able to record over them and record my own songs and covers on the tape. Then I would record me singing the harmonies along to the first tape while recording on the other tape to get a more complete song. I am thankful that technology has moved on somewhat.

CW: Did you have plans early on to be in music ministry?
BK: Yes. When you are young, it’s very common to be asked what you want to be when you grow up. I have always answered “A singer and an artist.” Even when people said that wasn’t a real job, I was adamant that is what I would do… who I was, I guess. I didn’t know at that stage it would be for Christ. Perhaps I had more worldly dreams at age six But I am very thankful as it is such a purposeful call and it is an honor to write them.

CW: Do you have plans for another CD?
BK: So, it’s been a very busy year in terms of recording and releasing music. Lots of singles and two EP’s have been released in 2020. I have three albums and more singles I am working on and still continually writing. So yes, there will definitely be a lot more to come.

CW: At what point did you know you wanted to record music on a professional level?
BK: I have always wanted to sing and record professionally. Lot’s of things got in the way and I guess when I came back to God as a broken adult in my late twenties is when I really found my purpose and my calling became very clear… I was made to sing and share these songs. It has been a long process though and a lot of hard work, heart-break, self-doubt and growing. So really Christmas in 2018 is when it all became much more focused and intentional. Rather than waiting for the mountain to come to me, I decided I needed to climb up it and take it on. My first song was released in 2019 and then everything else has been released in 2020.

CW: Can you recall a time in your life or in your ministry when you knew God alone had made a provision?
BK: Gosh, there are so many, from huge life changing moments to smaller intricate details that to others would seem insignificant but mean so much to me in that moment God has definitely been the chief provider for me on so many levels. I will share the biggest life changer for me… I initially married when I was nineteen-years-old. In hindsight, I was too young and not mature enough. Sadly, this man I had married was abusive and I was with him for a decade of my life. The abuse grew over those ten years from low-key to horrific nightmarish levels of abuse. We moved every six to twelve months and life was just constantly unsettled. He was an atheist and went out of his way disprove the existence of God. He hated organized religion so there wasn’t any chance of going to church or having any semblance of faith around him. At the point where I was really at rock bottom and I mean rock bottom, I had nothing left to give. I had nothing left in myself and did not see a future. I was beyond anything I can even believe now. Looking back that is the moment God stepped in with such overwhelming clarity. I stood waiting for a car going fast enough to jump in front of and I heard this resounding “NO”, it was as if He was standing right next to me shouting it directly into my head. Along with it came this huge sense of peace and expectation like an anticipation of change. A new hope that I had not otherwise had before. A day or two later, I went along to a toddler group with my children and there happened to be a woman from a local domestic abuse charity running questionnaires with women. I answered twenty questions and seeing my own answers in black and white really shocked me into waking up. I had spent the best part of ten years hiding the truth, covering the reality, living a complete nightmare and suddenly it was like this unmasking moment where I could admit what was happening. Literally a week from that day, I was on a train with my two children and nothing more than a pushchair, change bag with nappies just for that day and water-proof coats. I had my passport because I didn’t have my bank card as he kept it and my children’s birth certificates hidden. We literally had just enough money for the extortionate train ticket and then on the train I phoned my sister. I’m sure you can appreciate that it was a very awkward conversation to have on a train full of strangers. She lived far away but I was heading there to be helped by their local women’s aid charity because I didn’t feel safe remaining close by. In the time that train journey took my sister got in touch with all her church friends and they put together clothes, toys, and everything we needed to get set up. I was even blessed with a Christian woman as a support worker which was a gift as my story continued. It was only by God’s grace and intervention that I am alive and that we are now living a completely different life for which I am eternally thankful and will never stop singing God’s praise for.

CW: What do you see as being some of the biggest challenges for women in ministry? What challenges have you faced in your ministry?
BK: Well the first one is being a woman in ministry and how that is still not as easy as it can be for a man. Secondly, I have found being pidgin-holed into certain ministry sectors. Rather than being recognized for my own gifts from God and His call on my life. But sadly, both of these are common but God’s plan will prevail over man’s. We have to be in pursuit of God’s plan for us and do what He guides to and the more attuned we are to Him and His call and His ways help us to be more affective in whatever it is He calls us too. Sometimes people won’t understand what it is God has asked of you but you have to remember who called you to do it and let that be enough when people do not support you and pray. Go to God with it all because He knows what you need to succeed in His purposes for you and will ensure you have those things. Be it the right people at the right time or the perseverance to continue, the finances to achieve the call, the songs to sing to share the skills. God has it all for us like we are reminded in these two verses:

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose” Philippians 2:13

“and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

CW: Where do you find your inspiration?
BK: God uses my life experiences and the prophetic to shape and bring new songs as well as drawing on scripture and what is happening in the world. I have drawn a lot from life thus far and also from learning more about God’s character when you’re journeying with God. Whatever you have been through, He takes it all uses the broken parts brings beauty from them. I feel like God has utilized so much of the bad for so much more good. It is such a magnificent outcome to see and hear other people’s lives be impacted by your story, your heart in your song. It’s shaping something and hitting their heart, bringing to the surface, something hidden, stirring up faith within them. I love how God does this through His people. It’s actually my favorite part of song writing. When you send it to a friend or the song is released and you get a message saying “thank you, this is literally like God is speaking directly into my heart.” It’s such a beautiful reminder of why you’re making all this effort because it isn’t simple, it doesn’t come without contest and it takes sacrifice and hard work. I love it and I wouldn’t do anything else because God has called me to it.

CW: What advice do you have for women who feel called to music ministry?
BK: I have found over the years that my expectations of other people and getting help have really been challenged. Actually, when I stop looking to other people to help me and giving it to God, that’s really when things changed. When there is break-through, prayer is a must in any ministry. Also, I have found that a close relationship with God is needed, like you can’t do it without Him. You can’t serve God without being surrendered to God. In terms of practicality, I would get prayer support from people you trust. I would find out as much as you can about your specific area of calling. So, my music ministry covers different areas in terms of style of music. I write for the body of Christ, worship music but I am also called to write songs that sit comfortably in mainstream music such as Pop, Rock, Americana, Blues, alternative, etc. All have faith at their core. They all deliver a message of hope and truth but they are very different. I have found the more I write and release, that I learn what works and what doesn’t. Most importantly, remain your focus on God and His call for you. It could be easy to get caught up in the wrong direction. You really have to have a thick skin, resilience, and more patience to dedicate yourself to music ministry. It isn’t necessarily going to look like Bethel right away. It may never look like it. In fact, God has each of us for a specific purpose after all.

CW: What struggles do you face that you lean on God for?
BK: Honestly, I get discouraged sometimes with what feels like a consistent battle with each music release to get it out there. It is a difficult scene to be in as an independent artist because it all falls on me and there is so much more to recording and releasing music then one might think. I spend a huge amount of time on music administration, publicity, promotion, my website and all social media links to keep everything up to date, as well as the music itself. So, I really rely on God to sustain my heart in it all and He always does. Sending me the important reminders and messages from people at just the right time or a friend messaging me asking how they can pray for me, etc. God helps propel what music He wants and when and where He wants it, which I am thankful for. Secondly, Juggling time as I home-school our four children so trying to get a good balance that works for everyone is definitely something I lean hugely on God for because He knows everyone’s needs helps me ensure we have done the grocery shopping, the meal plan, taught Math, had some quiet time and gives me the energy to work late nights and the grace to deal with everything and more grace when I don’t deal with everything well. I often feel that I am not doing a good enough job so it’s good to lean in closer at those points and address problem areas with the One who knows you better then anyone else does.

CW: How does it feel to have a CD out for people to purchase?
BK: It feels like I have finally achieved something that the six-year-old me, saying with full self-belief that she would be a singer and artist, would be proud. She might also say “you took your time”, as it took thirty years from then. So, I guess it has been harder and a much more challenging journey then I expected but without that, I doubt that it would be the same. It wouldn’t necessarily speak right into the core of the listeners heart without that experience there to back it up. So, glory to God for that. The CD that is out now, “Holy Night” is my second CD this year. There have been lots of other digital singles released but there is something about completing a CD and having a physical copy in your hand, something tangible that makes it all seem much more real. I love and believe in what I have created and pray that it blesses many and I cannot wait to hear the stories that grow from it. It is an honor really, to share the story of Christmas through songs. So, I am very excited about this CD.

CW: Please tell us how we can get in touch with you to find your music ministry, what is your website/contact information?
BK: You can find all my information and links to social media on website:

Be sure to follow me on Spotify and subscribe to my YouTube channel which I am currently getting to grips with and updating all the time so you will get exclusives and new music. They are all on the links page of the website. I hope you all love the Christmas EP “Holy Night”, it has been a very special project for me. Be sure to share it with your friends and family. Christmas is the perfect time to share about God and these songs are just the ticket.

CW: Do you have any other thoughts you’d like to share with us?
BK: Don’t waste your time comparing yourself with others. God has made each of us completely unique for a reason. Spend time with Him and seeking His heart for you. Remember to be in the journey you are on rather than running to fast to the next destination. Don’t miss, what I like to term, the silver linings along the way. We are not shaped and formed on the mountain top but in the valley. The hard parts of life are often the parts where God draws the most fruit for the future. Finally, if you are experiencing abuse, please seek help from a charity for women. Be open with someone you trust if you can. Don’t let fear hold you in that place. Fear is a liar. Pray because God has a plan and is everything you need. There is always hope.

It has been my pleasure to talk with Beth and get to know a little about her life and experiences. We look forward to seeing how God grows her music ministry and don’t forget to check her out on her website and social media platforms. Thank you again Beth and God bless.