Carol RoundChristian Living

You Have the Freedom to Choose

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery”—Galatians 5:1 (NIV).

For more years than I care to count, I was a slave. No one held me captive behind bars. I wasn’t shackled with chains. Loss of freedom was my own choice.

I was in my late 40s before I found true freedom. I had allowed the opinions of others, and my own desire to please others, to hold me hostage. When I disappointed others, I felt guilty and inadequate. My shame became my prison.

Most people were unaware of my insecurities. People who didn’t know me very well thought I had my life together. I did on the outside. I worked hard at putting on a mask of perfection. But trying to maintain that façade leads to stress and uncertainty.

I became an overachiever, seeking accomplishments and accolades to bolster my self-esteem. After reaching the top of the ladder in my profession, I felt nothing except emptiness. Nothing else could fill that gap.

Despite my achievements, I felt incomplete. I often wished I were someone else. I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin. I thought if I performed well or appeared attractive on the outside, it would carry over into my internal life. I didn’t know I could only find an inner peace that comes from finding your identity in Christ.

After my Savior set me free, I came to realize the real meaning in life is not found in what you have or don’t have, or what you’ve accomplished. I’ve learned that as a child of God, I can choose to live a life of meaning and purpose based on what He has called me to do.

As my relationship with Him has grown, so has my freedom to choose. In the past, when I was asked to take on a task, I would not only accept, but I also would excel at it. Proving I could accomplish the task I’d accepted left me on a merry-go-round of the constant need for approval.

God loves us so much that He gave us the freedom to make choices. Although some are of little consequence, others are life-changing. We’ve all made poor choices. However, there is good news. No matter our past, there is always hope for a better future.

Recently, I overheard a conversation at a local grocery store. An elderly woman was in a handicapped cart, while a younger woman, whom I presumed to be her daughter, was juggling children, an overflowing grocery cart, and a calculator.

As one of the children begged his mother for a toy, she was taking an inventory of its contents. When the child continued to plead, she snapped at him. The older woman reproached her, and the mother replied, “I have no choice. I’ve never had a choice.”

I didn’t know her history, but my heart went out to her. We do have choices and the most important choice we can ever make is to choose freedom through a relationship with the Lord.

 Have you made that choice? If not, seek His face. His amazing grace will set you free.

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Carol Round

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“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” <*\\\\><