40 Days of Faith & FitnessFit for LifeHealthy LifestyleLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Day 15 – Fit For Life Challenge

Welcome to Day 15! ❤️

It’s a new day full of new possibilities! Yesterday I was sitting on the beach watching some massive waves crash against the shore. It made me think about when Jesus walked on the water out to the ship carrying the disciples. We find this story in Matthew 14:26-31. There were some high winds tossing the ship around. That’s when Jesus went walking out on the water to the disciples. We can only imagine what they were thinking when they looked out into the darkness and could see someone walking on top of the water to them! They even thought he was a ghost! Jesus told them not to be afraid and that it was him walking to them. If that were me, on a rocking boat with rain slapping my face and us hanging on for dear life, I would be like ..”Jesus! Help us!” But, Peter (don’t you just love him?) said to Jesus, “Lord if it’s really you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Although this might’ve been a little impulsive, you have to agree that Peter wasn’t afraid to ask something pretty big of him! So Jesus simply said “Come”, and that’s when Peter had to decide if he really trusted Jesus. He had to decide if he really believed Jesus could make this happen. Now he could’ve said something like.. “Jesus I believe you can make me walk on the water”, but never really put it to the test. No, he didn’t just say he believed and trusted.. he put action to his faith and stepped out of the boat! He actually walked on the water! Everything was awesome until he took his eyes off of Jesus and looked around at the huge waves. That’s when he began to sink. He cried out to Jesus to save him, and Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.
Although there was a storm surrounding Peter, he obeyed Jesus and did what He said to do even when it made no sense. He was walking on the water as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus. The problem was, he didn’t keep his eyes on him. He looked around and got scared seeing the storm around him. He got distracted. He lost his focus. Fear got the best of him.

Peter proved his faith by taking that first step. And as long as he stayed focused on Jesus and taking the next step,he was doing great! But he lost sight of his next step.
Faith unleashes the supernatural! Peter wouldn’t have experienced God’s supernatural power that allowed him to walk on the water if he hadn’t trusted, and his faith and trust were made evident by his actions. He got out of the boat! Talk can be cheap… but he actually got out of the boat!

Unfortunately, fear literally sank Peter. Fear sinks us too! Fear can literally get a grip on us and paralyze us . It can keep us from taking that next step in faith that we need to.

Is there any area in your life where you feel God is asking you to obey Him? Is he asking you to step out of your comfort zone in some way and take the next step in faith? Is he asking you to step out of the boat, so to speak? Are your eyes on Jesus? Fear is a real thing and can stop you in your tracks. If you want to take a “next step” in faith and obey God in an area of your life, what are you afraid of? Trying something new, making changes, stepping into a new area in our life…. these can be scary! What do those huge waves represent to you? Fix your eyes on Jesus and keep them there. He can make a way where there is no way! (Please get this next statement..) 👉🏻 Nothing ever amazing or life-changing happens in our comfort zone! We will never realize all we were made to do or be, staying safe in the comfort zone. I don’t know about you, but I want to experience God’s supernatural power in my life! Maybe it’s time to step out of the boat!

Action Step 15👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Is there an area in your life where you are letting fear keep you from doing what you know you need to do? Identify the fears that may be controlling your decision making process. Fix your eyes on Jesus and if you feel him asking you to take that next step in your life… whatever it may be, step out of your “boat” and trust him. Remember.. that story wasn’t about the guys who stayed in the boat! 😀