30 Days of GratitudeMichelle Gott Kim

30 Days Gratitude

2 Samuel 1:26, ‘O my dear brother Jonathan, I am crushed by your death.
Your friendship was a miracle-wonder, love far exceeding anything I’ve known –
or ever hope to know (MSG).’

Day 16 * Just Grateful: Warmly or deeply appreciative of kindnesses or benefits received; indebted and beholden

I see my friend, Jesus; I’ve been peeking in on her when she doesn’t know I am watching. She is hurting, Lord. I know this year has been a stretch. In fact, as 2019 muted into faded colors, I heard her utter, ‘2020 is going to be THE YEAR! God! please let this be THE YEAR!’ And then a virus happened and the economy tanked on her already taxed marriage which collapsed in rubble and her prodigal left home. Now she is buried under layers of grief and shame and debt collection notices and 25 pounds of COVID. It’s not her year, after all. What do I say, Jesus, to soothe her anxiety and put salve on her ache? What do I do to take it all away and give her a brand new start? She was there the year I lost it all, silent and sufficient, standing in the gap, praying my prodigal into safehouses when our home was no longer wanted, feeding me with the Bread of Life from Your Word when I couldn’t hold down anything else, bundling me in arms of warmth when my cold war waged inside of me. What can I do to help her, Lord?

I hear You. Don’t do. Don’t say. BE. You are right; she let You run Your course in me that I might know the solution to my situations could be trusted because they came from You; she let You work in me what she could never do but only You could do for me. To have a good friend is to BE a good friend. Lord, I am grateful for my friend. Help me BE. Together we are stronger, more solid, more supportive. We stand taller, together. Romans 12:9, ‘Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle (MSG).’

John 15:13, ‘Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (NIV).’