Christian LivingCynthia Angeles-Alcantara

Abba Loves Me

According to a Filipino legend, the entire human civilization came from the first people, the man, Malakas (Strong), and the woman, Maganda (Beautiful). Philippine mythology recounts that they both emerged from a bamboo split with the help of a bird. So, they literally sprout from a bamboo.

However, one boy (about 6 years old) from an outreach we did one Saturday had another “opinion” when I asked who created him, after I taught the children how God created everything from the beginning. He excitedly replied “Mario”, who happens to be his father. Sounds funny (everyone laughed) and reasonable, since Mario, in fact, has something to do with the boy’s existence.

But there’s more to splitting bamboo and moms and dads that love each other.
The most compelling truth is knowing that there’s actually an infinite power at work that purposely created us to love us, and ordained our days even before we had our first breath. He lovingly showed care and gave the closest attention to how He made us. How praiseworthy that this Master Creator has only wonderful thoughts for us. Think of the special way He fashioned us, then looks at us with love and admiration.

If we weren’t so precious to Him, our Creator Himself could have completely destroyed us who countlessly failed Him. He has created, He has forgiven and He has redeemed the creation that has always been the apple of His eye.
We may not completely grasp His goodness in doing all this, but we can only be thankful for how His perfect love made us. Life becomes more meaningful when we embrace the truth of how we have become.

When I think about it, I become a child whose confidence is in my Abba, Father, And even more so, because He is the supreme power and authority I can bravely face today and what comes after. I completely trust that He goes with me in every journey, ordering my steps and making His perfect will happen for my benefit.

I am assured of His care because

“The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life”.
(Job 33:4)

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
 Wonderful are your works;  
my soul knows it very well.”
-Psalm 139:14

By Cynthia Alcantara