Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

Aug 3, 2020

LadyBugs, how many times have you entered a room or business and you find yourself in a place that just seems dismal? You know, it seems like there is no life in the room. No one seems to have joy or peace. I have experienced that many times. I never really knew how to handle that situation until the last few years. I would just go with the flow and stay to myself. I surely did not want to confront anyone who was in an ill mood. But one day I learned that I could make the difference in that room. Rather than let it dull my mood or steal my joy, I began to choose a different attitude.
We do not have to melt in the atmosphere. Just because there are those who choose to be unjoyful and distant doesn’t mean we have to stand in the dark corner and frown with them. We can overcome that darkness because of the Joy of the Lord that is unspeakable and unexplainable. We change the dark to light by showing kindness, friendliness, joy, and peace. Jesus didn’t wait for people to be happy before he showed them love. He showed them love and they began to find the joy.
Let us become the room changer that makes a difference. Smile and extend some kindness the next time you walk into a dismal room. Watch how God will move through the room and change attitudes.
~Cyndi Kay
Hebrews 13:16
Galatians 5:22
1 Thessalonians 5:16
Proverbs 17:223