40 Days of Faith & FitnessFit for LifeHealthy LifestyleLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Day 10 – Fit For Life

It’s Day 10! 😀 Rise and Shine! ☀️It’s a new day! How do you start your day? Do you roll out of bed at the last minute possible? Do you find yourself stressed out soon after you get up because you are trying to hurriedly get off to work, getting the kids off to school, and you’re faced immediately with things that demand your attention? If your mornings are routinely like that, you probably find that your day is running you, instead of the other way around! If you’re like me, if my day starts in a hectic way, all day long I feel like I’m just trying to catch up! Then you find yourself saying that you don’t have any extra time in your day for prayer, reading the Bible,not to mention exercise and preparing healthy meals! All of that important stuff can get put on the back burner! But the truth is, we all have the same amount of time in the day. That “extra time” we need to do things that we know are good for us, won’t just fall into our laps! Even if you do have the time, you may choose to spend it doing something else. We all have to prioritize and actively make the time to do the things that will bring us into a healthy lifestyle.

Today I want to talk about just one part of your day…. your morning. How your morning goes will most likely affect how the entire day goes! If we start out in a mad rush, chances are your whole day could feel stressed. I’m a morning person. I realize many people aren’t. 😊 But mornings are just so special to me. I love getting up before everyone else and starting my day with God, in prayer and in His word. Just me and Him. There’s something about the quietness of the house and the newness of the day. I can always tell a big difference in my day if I don’t start it that way. When I focus on the Lord first thing in the morning, He is on my mind all day! It sets a better tone for me… it affects how I treat people. Somehow I get more accomplished. I love the structure it creates. After my time with God, I like to get my exercise done in the mornings too. I honestly feel by starting with spiritual training, it prepares me for the discipline I need to do the exercising. (Remember yesterday we talked about making those daily healthy choices to create change!). The spiritual and physical discipline go hand in hand with me. Discipline sounds like punishment, but in this context it simply means to train myself to do certain things habitually. I realize this may not work for everyone’s schedule , but even if you can get up just a little earlier than you normally do and start your day seeking God first thing, just talking to Him about your upcoming day, I promise your day will go better.

I want to challenge you to do just that. Try setting your alarm a few minutes earlier than normal. Spend some quiet time…just you and God. Talk to Him and get into His word. Seek His wisdom and guidance for your day! I guarantee that you’ll feel a positive difference in your day!
Psalm 63:1a says, “O God, You are my God: Early will I seek you. My soul thirsts for you: My flesh longs for you …”

Once you start beginning your day with God, trust me, you will wake up every morning looking forward to it!

Action Step 10👇🏼👇🏼
Share with us one of your favorite bible verses to read, especially in the morning that helps you get your day going!🙏🏻 Make time each day for God and His word. It will make such a difference in your day and your life! Prioritize and make time for daily exercise, doing something you enjoy doing. This is also important …begin your day with a healthy breakfast. 🥑’

My go-to breakfast is an omelette with two eggs and veggies, or sometimes I have yogurt with fruit. Just try and get something to eat that includes protein, a healthy carb like whole grains or veggies, and healthy fat. (Like eggs or avocados). This will keep you satisfied and fight off that mid morning slump. 🙌 So let”s get up and rejoice in a new day that we have been given ! Here are some good and easy healthy breakfast ideas for you! 👇🏼👇🏼