40 Days of Faith & FitnessFit for LifeHealthy LifestyleLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Day 13 — Fit For Life Challenge

It’s Day 13! Currently I am with my family on our way to Destin for a week of fun, family and relaxation! All my boys together with me for a week! I’m a happy Mama! So my posts this week may have a “beachy” feel! 🌴

This morning I want to share a verse that has spoken to me throughout the pandemic and now the civil unrest we’ve witnessed. It’s this short but powerful little scripture, Psalm 46:10a, “Be still and know that I am God.”

We live in a noisy, busy world. If there was ever a time full of noise and distractions in our lives, it is now. You may have been dealing with extra stress, fear, anger, grief, anxiety or even depression. It truly has been an emotionally chaotic time. But that little verse reminds me that even in the middle of the chaos, He is still God! He is still on the throne. He is still in control. The goal, for me, is not to let all the distractions and noise keep me from hearing God speak into my life. The enemy loves to keep us so distracted and busy that we tune out God.

We need to get alone with our own thoughts. We need quietness and solitude. We need peaceful fellowship with the Lord. I’d dare say that most of the time we don’t sit still long enough to hear God speaking to us. Maybe we’re afraid of what He might say to us, or ask us to do! We’re not quite sure how to handle the sacredness of just being still and knowing He is God.

When we are still without all the noise, maybe we can hear that still small voice of His spirit convicting us, leading and guiding us.
On this beautiful Lord’s day, let’s set aside some time to just be still and know that He is God!

Action Step 13👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Consider starting a prayer journal if you haven’t already . Simply write down your thoughts and prayers, and anything the Lord brings to your mind as you pray. It helps to write things down, and it’s so awesome to look back and see how God has worked in your life! It’s great for personal accountability as well as expressing a greater depth of intimacy toward the Lord. Over time you’ll be amazed at the record of God’s faithfulness that unfolds right before your eyes! Happy Sunday😀🙏🏻