Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

August 16, 2020

Today’s hope is a little challenging because it comes from Luke chapter 16. A tough chapter about money and loving God. At the beginning of the chapter we read the parable about the shrewd businessman and how he cut what was owed to his master so that he could find favor among men. Then we read at the end of the chapter about the rich man and Lazarus. We learn that riches do not get you to heaven and poverty does not send you to hell. It seems like a to the point chapter right? Until we look at the middle of the chapter. This is the interesting part.

We see the Pharisees being their normal self and scoffing Jesus for basically saying that money isn’t everything. See, the Pharisees loved their money and all that they could buy. They were haughty and proud. They always justified themselves before men and placed God below their wealth. However, Jesus, lets them know that the law was before John, and afterward, the Gospel of the Lord was preached. He also let them know that regardless, the law cannot be changed. Then out of nowhere, we find the 18th verse talking about marriage, divorce, and adultery. What a change up!

LadyBug, could it be that Jesus is wanting us to truly understand that wealth and earthly treasure can be detrimental to our spiritual walk with God? We know that Jesus used parables to teach and maybe this verse is a parable within a parable. A few scriptures above, He teaches if you cannot be faithful with worldly wealth how can you be faithful with true riches (spiritual wealth)? Following me? What if He is asking how we can be faithful in our relationship with Him if we cannot be faithful in our earthly marriage? God is asking for our hearts to be faithful to Him.

Let us be found faithful in our love for God and all things that He has given unto us as earthly blessings.

~Cyndi Kay

Luke Chapter 16