Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

August 18, 2020

Today’s reading took me to the story of Stephen. It was after he was arrested, and he gave a compelling speech just before he was stoned to death. His speech reflects on all the times God’s messengers have been rejected and discarded. He mainly speaks about Joseph and Moses, but for the most part, he speaks about the fact that Israel rejected those where were sent to lead them from captivity. This brings to remembrance the scriptures in the gospels about Jesus being rejected by his own people in Nazareth.

Though God is rejected, He still waits patiently for His children to love Him. Through our rejections, He still wants us to experience a life with Him, so He waits. His love for us is one that will not allow Him to force us into a relationship with Him. Yet, he stands at the ready with wide-open arms, waiting to welcome us home to Him. This also brings to mind the prodigal son and how the father ran to greet him.

When we are in the middle of our muck, He sees us and is still waiting for us to let Him clean us up. When he gives us a promise you can bet He doesn’t take it away just because we get a little messy. He will continue to send us reassurance that He is still with us and wait for us to get out of the way so He can clean us up.

LadyBug, as women we need to know that God is a God of His word. He will always do what He says, and we must hold tight to His truth rather than reject His promise of freedom because we doubt who we are in Him. It is in that freedom that we become a daughter of the most high King who will experience favor and blessings.

Let us hear the gospel and seek to know the God who loves us more than we could fathom.

~Cyndi Kay

Acts chapter 7