Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

August 20, 2020

I am so amazed at how God directs our studies during quiet time. He always takes me to places that I thought I knew, but now I see in a different light. He brings me to new lessons and beautiful revelations that lift my spirit.

Today’s Hope comes from the Old Testament book of Ezekiel chapter 12. This chapter is a prophecy regarding the captivity of Israel. Ezekiel is speaking about a prophecy in which he is to pack his bags, dig through a wall, and enter into a land that he will not see. The chapter starts by calling out the rebellion of the people of Israel. This lets us know that because of rebellion, people are going to be led to captivity. The people of Jerusalem were not hearing or seeing God and therefore, they were living a rebellious lifestyle. The term daylight could be suggesting that if people see the rebellious packing bags and leaving, then maybe their hearts would turn back to God. Israel had stopped living a life of thanksgiving. In captivity, some were exiled to Babylon. The prophecy tells of how the prince will not see the land and those who help him will be scattered. Yet, even in captivity, God will not leave His children.

LadyBug, are you seeing the story? We were those who were disobedient and living in the lust of the world. But God still loved us enough to make a way for us to be delivered from that captivity. He granted us freedom through the blood of Jesus Christ and the cross. He wants us to know that He is a just and faithful God. He wants us to know that He has given us hope for the future through the cross and His son Jesus. He wants us to know that even in the middle of our disobedience, He is still right there with us in the wilderness.

Let us forever be mindful of the deliverance through the Cross.

~Cyndi Kay

Ezekiel chapter 12