Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

August 23, 2020

What an interesting place we find ourselves today! Judges chapter 8. The continuing story of Gideon and his faithfulness to fight for the liberation of God’s people from the Midianites. We find Gideon pursuing the kings of Midian. As he followed them through city after city, his men grew weary and hungry. Each time he asked for any kind of help, he was turned down. The cities were afraid that if they helped Gideon and his army, they would be punished if he lost the battle. Gideon remained true to his calling and pressed forward.

How often do we feel like we are worn and hungry from battle? We feel like we are just barely moving forward and we long for someone to just give us a morsel of hope to go on. There have been many times that I have felt like I would never get past the bondage of the lies of the enemy. I couldn’t see past the battle to see freedom. I am here to tell you sister; you can do this. Whatever your ‘this’ is, you can overcome and walk in the victory. God will not bring to the brink of breakthrough and not make a way for you to walk in victory.

LadyBug, you will have those times of trial and struggle when you think you just cannot take another step. You may even feel like you are being set up to fail by man. OH, don’t you be dismayed or discouraged by what you see around you in the flesh. Do not fall victim to the lies of the enemy that come from those who do not know you. You stand on the promises of God and His truth. He will bring you out on the other side. Your enemies will see the sweet victory that you walk in because of your faithfulness.

Let us always pursue Jesus and know that even in the midst of the battle, God will be the provider or our needs when we feel weak and hungry.

~Cyndi Kay

Judges chapter 8