Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

August 28, 2020

Today’s hope revolves around a familiar scripture. One that always finds encouragement for us as we continue our journey. We know that each of us is called and chosen by the Father. He has a purpose for everything He creates, and since we are His creation, that includes us. We are the love of His heart and the apple of His eye.

We are encouraged so many times to think about and work for the things that holy and pure. He wants us focused on the important things of His word and instruction. The car doesn’t matter, but the direction and destination do.

Because we have righteousness through Jesus, we are able to come without offense to God and seek those things He wants for us. As we follow Him, we find our fruits are always replenished. When we give hope, we receive hope. When we give grace, we receive grace. This is how we are used as we journey with others through this life. He began a good work in all of us and He will perform that good work as long as we ‘approve’ things that are excellent in the Holy Spirit.

Be encouraged LadyBug, He knows you, He loves you, He chooses you, and He will perform the good works that He began.

Let us walk in the righteousness of the Lord as we journey with Him.

~Cyndi Kay

Philippians 1:1-11