Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

August 31, 2020

Today’s hope comes from Mark chapter 11. Jesus entered Jerusalem while people cried Hosanna. He curses a fig tree and cleanses the temple money changers. Then when you think the passage is calm, the priests and scribes question His authority. Wow! There is a lot going on in this chapter!

So, let’s dig up the nuggets of hope.

First, we see that a sweet unridden colt becomes the carrier of Jesus into Jerusalem. If God can use a colt for the glory of Jesus, then He can use anything. We have all been created for a purpose!
Our second nugget is found in the message of the dried-up fig tree. The red letters of this chapter tell us that if we speak what we believe without doubt in our hearts, then we will see those things come to pass. However, along with this belief, we must walk in forgiveness. If we cannot forgive then how do we expect to be forgiven?

The final nugget is found when you look at the context of Him talking about His authority. Had the scribes and priests truly knew who He was, they would have known the answers to the questions they had asked. It takes a personal relationship with Jesus to understand Him and what He has done for us.

LadyBug, these are some shiny nuggets for us! How exciting for us to know that we can be used by God for amazing things if we would just let ourselves be led by Him. He has made us worthy to be chosen. No matter where we may be, if we are willing and trusting we will be used for the Kingdom. Also, we are reminded that if we believe what we pray when we pray it, then we will see it come to pass. When we know Jesus on an intimate level, we know His authority and we have that same authority because of the cross.

Let us know our worth to Jesus, understand the strength of our faith, and believe in the power of our prayers.

~Cyndi Kay

Mark chapter 11