Healthy LivingLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Benefits of Strength Training for Women

By Lisa Vasseur Jarvis

As women, sometimes we get into a rut in our exercise routines. Maybe your workouts only consist of high-energy cardio, or yoga. I want to share a few reasons why you should consider incorporating resistance and weight training into your workouts.

You may have heard that weight training can make women look bulky, or that it could be dangerous. Neither of these are true. We should be getting two types of exercise each week. Aerobic exercise and strength training. Weight training has many benefits that will lead to being healthier, stronger, and leaner. By adding strength training to your weekly workouts, this can help you reach your fitness goals quicker than just cardio, or aerobic exercise, alone. Here are some benefits of strength training, especially for women.

Improved fat loss: When you lift weights, you build lean muscle. The more lean muscle you have, the faster your metabolism will work. By boosting your metabolism, this will help you burn more calories, helping you lose excess body fat. For each pound of muscle you gain, you will burn more calories per day.

Gain strength without getting bulky: Unlike men, women typically do not gain size from strength training. Women will develop muscle tone and definition without the bulk. Strength training is great for all muscle groups, helping us in our daily lives to accomplish the many tasks we take on each day. Women really benefit from gaining upper body strength, especially as we age. It helps with our posture as well.

Increases bone density: This is a huge incentive for women! Weight training not only builds muscle but reduces the risk of fractures and broken bones. It builds stronger connective tissue and increases joint stability, which will help prevent injuries. Weightlifting also increases spinal bone density, creating a healthy spine. This, along with getting enough calcium in the diet can be a strong defense against osteoporosis. It will help build a strong core which will help strengthen the lower back and reduce lower back pain.

Reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes: Weight training can help to improve cardiovascular health by lowering bad cholesterol and increase the good cholesterol, and it can help lower blood pressure. Studies have shown that using weight training in our workout routine will improve the way the body processes sugar, which can lower the risk of diabetes.

If you have never made weight training part of your weekly exercise, I highly encourage it. The benefits are so worth it. You will look and feel your best and get leaner and stronger. For me personally, it was a game changer! I added weight training to my workout routine about 3 ½ years ago, and I have never felt better! It improved my blood pressure and I no longer have lower back pain. I am much stronger and leaner and my energy level is amazing!

Proverbs 31:17 says, “She girds herself with strength and makes her arms strong”. I like that! I encourage you to talk with a personal trainer or join a group fitness class that includes weight training. Let’s get strong and healthy this year!