Christian LivingKarin Thompson

Bird Watching

Have you ever seen a bird sitting on a branch stressed out because it does not know where its next meal is coming from? Or have you ever seen a bird worried and anxious because it is not sure what tomorrow will bring? You may laugh and say, “of course not.”

But there is a lesson we can learn from birds. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus instructs us to be anxious for nothing, not to give a thought about what we shall eat, drink or wear. Take a lesson from birds that do not hold a job, yet they never go hungry.

Are you not worth more than a bird? I encourage you to watch the birds, you will notice that they sit on the fence and cheep away happily with not a care in the world. Have you ever seen an underweight bird? No, because God looks after them.

My friend, you are worth more than a bird. God loves you so much that He sent his only son to die for you so that you could have eternal life. God cares about you; He has even counted the number of hairs on your head. Yes, even the ones that you lose each day. You can rest safely in God’s arms. You can place your trust in Him knowing that He will never let you down. He will feed you, care for you, heal you and supply all your needs.

Years ago when my kids were small, we were often without work and wondered where the next meal was coming from. We would pray and trust God, and He would always supply. We never went without a meal, God always provided.

Some days may look harder than others, but God is faithful. He will never leave you. If God cares so much for the birds, how much more will He care for you? Place your hope in Him, He will not let you down.

Start to let go of all your cares and leave all your anxiety with Him. Rest in His embrace and allow God to look after you.

One thought on “Bird Watching

  • What a great story, and it’s filled with so much truth. A reminder for all of us in that the Lord does provide. It may come in ways we least expected. He will not fail to do what He promises in His Word. Looking forward to reading more of your articles.

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