Betty PredmoreChristian Living

Broken Sandals

I bought my daughter a new pair of sandals. Her old pair looked much like I imagine Jesus’ sandals looked after his long journey of preaching and teaching. They were pretty worn out. She was excited to have those cute new sandals and has been wearing them almost every day. Like her mama, she loves new shoes.

My husband got a call from school that she needed a pair of shoes. Apparently, she had broken one of her new sandals while playing tether ball on the playground. Just like that…in an instant…her pretty sandals were broken. Isn’t that the way life is? We can be walking along our journey, enjoying life and feeling invincible, when suddenly our strap breaks. Something happens and in an instant we are broken. 

There are so many things that can break us: disappointment, regret, broken relationships, the loss of someone we love, pain, fear, rejection. We question why. We mourn. We wonder if we could have done something different. Sometimes, what is broken can be mended. Other times, what is broken can never be repaired.  The key is to not lose hope in the times of brokenness. That sandal may get tossed into the garbage, but our lives, our hopes and dreams, do not have to be. Not when we have a God that is there to guide us through.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10 ESV)

We have a God, a marvelous and glorious God, who walks alongside us in our times of despair. He takes our broken pieces and puts them back together. He calms the storms in our hearts, and parts the clouds in our minds. 

Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

My husband delivered new shoes to my daughter. He fixed her problem because that is what daddies do. God will be there to see you through, like a good Father does. When those moments come, in that instant of brokenness, cling to God. He will never leave you. His word promises us that He will be there for us. That is a promise that is stronger than any strap of any sandal.