Christian LivingMeaghan JacksonParenting & Relationships

Busy Mom

How Do We Thrive

As a working, homeschooling mom of three boys I know what it is like to be busy. Some days it feels like I am barely surviving. I know that God wants more for us than mere survival. He wants us to thrive and to be a blessing to those around us. We can see a shift from surviving to thriving when we focus on these 5 areas.

Being proactive and intentional
No one wants to be blindsided or caught off guard. As a busy mom you already know that you need to juggle a lot of schedules, responsibilities and people. You can use your strengths to help reduce feeling overwhelmed. 

Think of your strengths at work, and home. Use them to your advantage to plan out your week. When we are stressed and frustrated it is easy to shut down or feel helpless. But you have the gifts and talents to equip you for this role. 

It also helps to make a list of what is most important to your family at the moment. This list will help filter our all the noise and distractions pulling you in different directions.

What is most important to your family right now?
What do you value and hold dear?
What are your priorities at the moment?

When facing decisions use this list as a filter to help gain some clarity.

Taking care of you is essential
When was the last time you yelled, or blew up? Were you at the end of your rope, running on empty? Mama you can’t give to your work or your family when you are feeling like that. In order to thrive you must take care of yourself too. It isn’t selfish it is essential.

Check in with yourself regularly throughout the day to think about how you are feeling and what would help in the moment to feel more calm. Just like you ensure you’ve covered the basics with you kids, make sure you are drinking enough water, going to the bathroom, getting movement, and eating well too.

Focus on connection and family life
Many mothers struggle with having their hearts pulled and torn. You love your kids, but have other responsibilities too. Sometimes everyone needs you at the same time. But remember we aren’t here for guilt. We are here for action and moving forwards.

Remember this: Focus on connection first

When we meet our child’s need for love and understanding they are better able to handle challenges and frustrations. Even with difficult behaviour, focus on connection before correction.

Simplifying your life
With so much going on in your life, it will really help to calm the chaos if you look for ways to simplify. Children also thrive on simple, unhurried environments.

There are 4 key areas to look at:

Rhythm – The general flow of your day.
Schedule – Making sure your calendar has some down time.
Environment – your physical space makes a difference visually, mentally and for clean-up.
Media – The stress of the news and amount of screen time adds to feeling overwhelmed.

Mindset matters
Mindset plays a huge role in our ability to make it through the day. What you think about affect how you feel, which will change your actions and outcomes.

Philippians 4:4-9 reminds us to turn to the Lord when we are anxious, and also to think about what ever is true and upright. Then the Peace of God will be with you.

If you are struggling right now, barely surviving please know you are not alone. Your Heavenly Father will take your burdens when you lay them at His feet. And you can also reach out for help within your community.

May you thrive this year in all you do.

Meaghan Jackson is a gentle parenting coach at

One thought on “Busy Mom

  • Great article Meaghan, busy moms will relate to what you share, and hopefully put into practice what you’ve suggested.

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