Arts & PoetryShawna Wright

Cobwebs or Rainbows?

It was Friday evening. The house was tidy, the floors were mopped and the carpet was vacuumed. The soft over-the-counter lighting illuminated a beautiful lattice topped pie. It was a magazine perfect moment!

Although the house looked peaceful, my heart was in turmoil. Not once, not twice, but three times that afternoon I was met with the jarring realization that I was indeed human with a sinful nature that God still needed controlling. It upset me. Not that I believe that I can earn a right standing before God by being perfect but more, I abhorred the very thoughts and actions that my heart had produced. I was humbled to say the least. I ended the day with a long conversation with God under the stars.

The next morning was sunny and so was my heart. I walked into my kitchen lit by the morning sun. I was again humbled on a new level. My once “magazine perfect” kitchen now resembled a Halloween set. It was far from camera ready! The chandelier was cobweb strung. The table was covered in dust and the cabinets displayed oily fingerprints and food splatters. The SUN had revealed a hidden truth. The precious short hours in the weeks prior had not allowed for thorough housekeeping.

Then all at once I saw it. My kitchen may not have been ready for the cover of Better Homes and Gardens but it still was beautiful. Sunbeams bounced off the crystal prisms on the chandelier. With a change in focus, my kitchen was transferred from a Halloween set to that of one straight out of Pollyanna! (if you’ve never seen this movie ask your parents, I’m sure they have.) My entire kitchen was bathed in refracted rainbows.

Rainbows, a symbol of God’s promises, covered the dust and grime and again turned my focus to “THE SON.” The promises I had claimed as I drifted off to sleep the night before repeated in my thoughts. “For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things (1 John 3:20 NKJV).” And “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ (Phil 1:6 NKJV).”

My husband’s and my eyes met, “You know we could share this pie with company for Sabbath dinner” I said… Although my kitchen was far from passing the “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval” I put my pride in my back pocket and we enjoyed a tasty meal and an encouraging conversation over a hastily dusted table.