Christian LivingCyndi Kay Green

Curves in the Course

A long any course or pathway we take, we sometimes are faced with a curve. Whether we choose to follow these curves or go straight will define the outcome of our trip and whether or not we reach our destiny. It could also affect our lives; will we live or die? The decision to stick to the course and follow the curve may mean that we need to slow down in order to navigate but we can do it if we keep our eyes on the course. The decision to continue straight can cause damage simple because we do not know what lies beyond the curve. What if there is a huge cliff or an unseen stump? The cliff would take us spiraling downward into a ravine that would probably cause certain death or serious injury. An unseen stump would certainly damage the vehicle and possibly cause injury.

Of course we are all sitting here thinking why would I choose? And we can all say that we will choose to follow the curve. Seriously no one ever chooses not to follow the curve when we are driving. However, what if we are not paying attention? See, that’s the key. We must pay attention to our driving and the course we are on so that we do not miss any curves and cause damage to ourselves.

As Christians, this principle is sometimes overlooked because we are so caught up in trying to to the good things. Sometimes, we are even caught up in doing things that are not what we are suppose to be doing and we lose focus on the real course. There are some of us who want to be a part of everything, some who want to do very little, and some that are trying to be like Sister So and So or Brother So and So. The way to stay on course is to be doing what God has asked us to do. Not trying to add to it, just simply what He wants each individual to do.

After the Resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples by the Sea of Tiberias, and Jesus was asking Peter if he loved Him. After asking the question three times and Peter answering yes three times, Jesus tells Peter to simply “Feed My Sheep”. Peter then see John (the disciple whom Jesus loved) and begins to ask Jesus a question.

Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me.” John 21:20-22.

There is nothing more to add to that scripture. Jesus told Peter when he was about to go straight instead of follow the curve that John’s business was not something that Peter needed to be concerned with and that he needed to follow the command that Jesus had given him. Have you come to a curve and have not slowed down? Are you trying to do too much, too little or what someone else needs to do? Just take a deep breath slow down and listen to what God is saying to you. He knows what plans He has for you and you can rest assured that when you follow Him, the curve doesn’t seem as sharp.