Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

June 23, 2020

Have you ever noticed there are times or seasons where you feel like there is nothing going on in your life? You think you are stuck in a rut and you will never get where you know God is calling. It’s like you were traveling a 4-wheel drive Jeep trail in the woods and you got bogged down in a huge mud hole. You feel like you are just sinking in the cold wet mud. Well, let me tell you something LadyBug, every one of us has been there. Not one woman has ever drove around that mud hole. We have all been stuck and felt like we were going nowhere. It’s ok to feel stuck. Sometimes it is in the rut that we learn the most valuable lessons. I think God is letting us hit that mud hole to slow us down. When we slow down and just wait, we become more dependent on Him to get us unstuck.
When we think we are just going through the motions is when we must truly stand firm in our faith. Just because we are not moving forward in what we think is our calling does not mean we can just conform to where we are. Let me say that again in different words. Even though you think you are not growing in Christ does not mean you become comfortable where you are standing. If all you can do is praise, then sister, praise like you have never praised before. If all you can do is pray, then pray for everyone you know! Just don’t conform to the comfortable feeling of being stuck. Keep your focus on God, hold tight to your faith and be patient in His working of all things.
Romans 12:12
Proverbs 3:5-6
James 1:4
Psalm 65:5