Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

June 24, 2020

Ok my LadyBugs, I am going to be a bit real with you today. See, I have known for a long time what I am supposed to be doing. I knew for years that my ministry was in writing and some speaking. So I would write devotionals and short lesson stories and keep them tucked away in a file folder or notebook. I thought it was the thing to do until I was told I could share them. So all these years go by and still I am writing and storing. I kept trying to prove that I can share them with people, mainly some form of ladies group. I would pray and be involved in so many things, hoping that this would be the chance to walk in the calling that God had shown me. I was so stuck on waiting for “man” to say it was time. While I was waiting for “someone” to tell me I was ready, I was becoming discouraged. It wasn’t long, I laid it all down and put it all away in a box.
I did share a few to a local newspaper and even though some thought it was “ungodly”, I had a chat room in which we would have a daily devotion. But still, I was waiting on “someone” to recognize what I was doing and tell me in some way that “I had arrived”. Oh LadyBug, how wrong was my thinking? I wasted so much time and hope wanting to be recognized by “someone” that I became doubtful that I had even heard God. I was just distraught. But it wasn’t God’s fault nor was it anyone around me. It was on me for not following through with what I knew He was saying. It is not for “someone” to validate or recognize my ministry. It is up to me to listen to what God says, follow where He leads and do as He asks. He is the only one who can take us on the adventure in our ministry. He is the one who defines our ministry. In all actuality, it is His ministry, we are just the tool He uses.
My friend, do not seek the acknowledgement from “someone” when it comes to your ministry. Just follow God’s direction and He will take you where you need to be.
Deuteronomy 31:8
1 Peter 2:21
Psalm 37:23
Ephesians 2:10
Romans 11:29
1 Corinthians 4:4-6