Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

July 22, 2020

Remember in Exodus how God rained down fresh manna everyday? Remember how at the end of the day, the old manna would rot, and they could not save any for tomorrow? As I thought about this, I began to think about how often I would save things for later just in case. I would even buy a few extra “apples” just in case there was not enough. This is what the Israelites began to do when God promised to provide enough manna for them for the day. They would try to keep the manna until the next day; however, it would rot and begin to smell.

Oh LadyBug, there have been many times I have tried to save the manna. I am not just talking about food manna. I am talking about the provisions that God gave us in order to get through the day. Whether it be love, grace, patience, kindness or even a task that I was supposed to do. There have been times when I knew I was supposed to give someone something, but instead I waited until the proper time according to what I was thinking. When I did, it was “stinky” by the time that I got it to them. Meaning, it was of no use to them. But there I was, trying to make it work according to what I thought was right.

It was not about the provision as much as it was about the obedience to God and what He was asking. When we take more than we need or not doing something when God asks us to, we end up with something that is “stinky and rotten.” But when we follow His instructions, we find that we have plenty for the moment and some left over for another day!

Let us always be mindful of the instructions of God as well as the provision. It is through following the instructions that we may see the glory of God when we most need the hope.

~Cyndi Kay

Exodus 16:1-20