40 Days of Faith & FitnessFit for LifeHealthy LifestyleLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Day 19 – Fit For Life Challenge

Good Morning! It’s Day 19! ☀️

To start this morning, let’s read a couple of verses from Proverbs…4:11-13,
“I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in the right paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble. Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; keep her, for she is your life.”

Have you ever attempted to assemble something without reading the instructions? Or maybe you just glanced over the instructions, but didn’t really pay close attention. Chances are, you may have messed up and had to go back and read the instructions, and pay closer attention to them! This passage is telling us that we have instructions and wisdom from God available to us! We can ask for it. We find it in God’s word. We have the Holy Spirit in us. God will lead us on the right paths! Every day we make choices and decisions that affect the direction of our lives. Those decisions do not just affect our lives, but they affect the lives of people that we love. We need to know the right paths to take! We need the instructions! We have the instruction manual to life available to us! It’s God’s word! It is wisdom for living life, instruction for the way we should go, and encouragement for every day! It’s our spiritual GPS, guiding us through this journey.

Right now in your life, you may be walking patiently on a journey. Maybe you are in a season of waiting . You may be in the middle of a time where you aren’t sure which path to take. Could be a job change, a move to a different place in your life, a recent loss of some kind, or you may be facing a huge decision that needs to be made. You may be running full speed ahead in a direction He is telling you to go, or you may feel like you’re groping in the dark not knowing where to turn. You may be feeling confident and sure, or paralyzed with fear. You may be on a mountain top, or you may be in a deep valley. Wherever you are right now…today.. I can promise you this; you have the wisdom you need available to you! The question is, will you listen ..will you grab hold of it and hang on?

The word wisdom isn’t used much today. People prefer words like knowledge, facts, data or information. We are always acquiring knowledge.. nothing wrong with that. Knowledge is good! But according to the Bible, it’s not as important as wisdom. You can obtain a vast amount of knowledge and still make the wrong choices in life. Yes, many people gain much knowledge, but totally miss out on true wisdom! The Bible says,”What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul?” Wisdom is a deeper understanding of things as they are.. ourselves, God, the way the world works, all from an eternal perspective. It takes wisdom to make the right choices in life according to the way God would have us live. Wisdom helps us make those daily decisions, big and small, based on a different world view. Godly wisdom looks way different than the “wisdom” of this world. Wisdom from God is gentle, reasonable, impartial, peace-loving and sincere. It is full of mercy and willing to yield to others. It puts the needs of others above our own. It sees things in a different light. It says to be a leader, you must be a servant! It says not to repay evil with evil. It says to love your enemies, and to pray for them. It says a soft answer will turn away anger. It says to forgive when the world screams to hit back harder! Yes, Godly wisdom looks far different than the way of this world! But Godly wisdom leads to godliness and peaceful relationships with others… it leads to a life full of love, joy and contentment. The world’s idea of wisdom is self-serving and shallow. Our wisdom comes the ultimate source.. God himself!

Don’t miss that last verse in the passage we read, “take firm hold of instruction.” The wisdom we get from walking with God daily, reading his word, trusting him in everything.. this guidance is our lifeline! We need to grab it and don’t let go! Like a life preserver in deep water, it will protect us. Like a strong rope on a rock climber, it will keep us from falling. The passage said if we listen to God’s wisdom and let Him guide us, He will keep us from stumbling and our steps will not be hindered! Wisdom helps us navigate the rocky paths. Wisdom helps us endure the obstacles life puts in our way. It truly is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path! Wisdom carries us to the mountaintops, and it supports us through the valleys. If we are holding on firmly to wisdom, we can get through the rough patches by staying connected to the Lord! So hang on! Will you join me today and choose to take hold of wisdom and go where God is leading you?

Action Step 19👇🏼👇🏼
Go for a walk or run today and tell the Lord you are ready to follow where He’s leading. 😊