40 Days of Faith & FitnessFit for LifeHealthy LifestyleLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Day 3 – Fit for Life Challenge

Hey hey!😀 It’s day 3! Hope you all are moving everyday and are eating yummy healthy food! It’s all about those choices we make everyday. In fact, we make choices all day long and sometimes don’t even think about it. Most choices are small, everyday decisions to do this or do that, some are more important to our lives,and some are huge decisions that we face with powerful options that can change the direction of our lives. But this morning I want to talk about all those little choices that we make everyday, in terms of our health and wellness, that seem small, but when we make those same little choices day after day … they too have the power to change our lives.

My son Clayton moved to Dixon, CA to marry his lovely wife Ashley. Let’s say I get up one day and I decide I’m going to walk to Dixon, across the country in a straight line. ( it’s hypothetical, ok?). So I get someone to help me get the exact line I should walk according to the correct angle. Now let’s say on my first day of walking I get off that line by one degree. I don’t notice and it seems like a small mistake. I keep walking on that same trajectory. Where do you think I’d end up? Well I’m not sure how but I end up in Oregon. Now Oregon is a great place, but it wasn’t my goal. I got off my course by a tiny bit but I ended up far from my destination. Now what? Well I have to get back on the correct path to get where I set out to go!

No one sets out in their life deciding that they want to be unhealthy, overweight, or whatever. But we all, and I mean all of us, make tiny choices everyday that when done everyday, will take us to a place where we realize we need to get back on the correct path. We’ve all done that, in many areas of our lives, not just in the area of health and fitness. But when we find ourselves off the path we need to get back on, we need to make DIFFERENT CHOICES, to find our way back. Now this can apply to any area of life, but today we will apply it our health.
So, we all have had to make changes in our lives before. Change isn’t easy. Replacing old habits with new better ones is hard. I’m not gonna lie. Deciding to stop drinking sodas, or start eating more vegetables, getting up and exercising each day, whatever it is you know you need to do to be healthier, isn’t easy. But I have good news. You’re not in this alone! God doesn’t leave us without the daily power to make healthy choices! Healthy choices make healthy people! I want to give you hope today that you don’t have to make those choices under your own willpower alone! There is a power source just waiting for you to plug into!

Read 2Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Wow! Remember you have His spirit in you! We have his power in us! We’re not alone in our daily walk and that includes making good healthy decisions. You know how as parents, it is not a burden to help our own children. We love them and want what’s best for them! So just think how much more God wants to help us get back on the right path! I don’t want to take this verse out of context, but Ephesians 2:4 reminds us that God is rich is mercy! He loves us! He’s not some mean person that says, well you made your bed now you have to lay in it! No! He is rich in mercy! His mercies are new everyday! That verse says.. But God, rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ! I could read that all day! When I think … but I failed… I think But God! When I think I messed up again… I’m reminded, But God! I fall so short…. But God! God is rich in mercy and wants to help us. We have His power. Tap into it! We know the victory is already won in Christ. We’ve read the end of the story! However, we’re still on the way. We’re still on the journey, and we are a work in progress, and He’s working in us and through us! For that, I’m so thankful!

Action Step 3👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Today, do a pantry clean out. If there isn’t any unhealthy junk there, you won’t eat it! Get rid of the things that will trip you up and replace them with healthier options! Do a kitchen makeover, and I don’t mean new countertops!

I’m leaving you with another fantastic song to listen to this morning that goes with our devotion! You will love it! Have a great day!!