Kate NashSingles

Your Happily Ever After

I have great news for all Christian single ladies. Your happily ever after starts today!

Because we don’t need to be OBSESSED with finding the right man; we already found the right man when we accepted Jesus into our lives!

For he is the complete fullness of deity living in human form. And our own completeness is now found in him. We are completely filled with God as Christ’s fullness overflows within us.

Colossians 2:9-10 TPT

So how do we get ourselves out of the habit of searching for Mr. Right? 

Let’s first acknowledge that every day we spend in limbo waiting for our life to begin is a wasted day. The goal isn’t to find a man to start your life. Your life can start today with Christ! 

Here’s a list of 9 beautiful choices you can make to enrich your life! 

  1. List 100 accomplishments you’re proud of.
    This activity reminds you that you’re an interesting person who’s capable of doing amazing things. Bonus points if, after you’re done, you spend time praising God for making you exactly as he made you. Because you’re cool and beautifully-crafted.
  2. Create a list of things you love to do.
    Singlehood gives us freedom our married sisters don’t have. We don’t need to check our plans with someone else or compromise on choices. Go watch your favorite movies or do a virtual tour of the places you love, knowing you can do this without an argument. 
  3. Uplevel your living space.
    What is the feeling you have as you enter your home? If your home makes you feel anxious or depressed, it might be time for a home makeover. One space at a time, you can transform your living space into an oasis that reflects your style. You’ll know you’ve reached your goal when your home has the playful or tranquil vibe you love. 
  4. Learn a new skill.
    Have you ever wanted to learn a new language? Or take up guitar, learn Tik Tok dances, or how to paint with watercolors? Check out YouTube or local places to add a favorite new skill to that list of 100 accomplishments. These add fun and relaxation into your life. 
  5. Create a signature style for yourself.
    If you’re tired of the way you appear, you might want to develop a signature style. A look that feels like you and reflects your personality. It doesn’t need to cost a lot. Personally, I like looking at thrift stores for interesting quality pieces. 
  6. Declutter your life.
    Life can feel lighter when you’re not weighed down with excess stuff. Take a good look at your physical and digital areas. If you’re keeping items that don’t “spark joy” for you, let them go. Recycle, re-home, or give to charity. 
  7. Set a big goal.
    What would you love to be able to do a year or five years from today? Would you like to buy a home, pay down debt, take a trip to Italy? Make these plans today! Even the biggest goal can be broken into smaller goals that you can accomplish today, this week, and this month. Before you know it, you’ll have that degree, that round-trip ticket, or keys to your new home. 
  8. Volunteer at a cause you care about.
    In many cases, we just need to get our focus off of our own problems. When we spend time volunteering, it develops deeper compassion for others and greater gratitude for all we’re blessed to have. What causes do you care about and how can you help?
  9. Develop intentional morning and evening routines.
    I like to call these rituals because I like to think of them as more spiritual. Routines sound like brushing your teeth or driving to work. The word ritual makes you think of connection with God. That’s the point. Intentional rituals in the morning and night can be a difference maker in how well you live through the day. I wrote an article about how to develop your own morning ritual here: https://hemakesmenew.com/how-to-start-a-mindful-morning-routine/

And it goes without saying that at all times, single or married, we should spend time getting to know Jesus better. This might look like a personal pursuit by reading and studying on your own, or in community by participating in Bible studies. 

So which of these suggestions are you most excited about? Which one can you start working on today?


Kate Nash

Kate is a certified professional in talent development and has been working in training, course development, and instructional design for the last 20 years. She graduated from a small Bible college in 1994. Since then she’s been married, raised two children, and gotten divorced. Raised in the church, she’s no stranger to the beauty and the difficulties that come from being in a church family.

Check-out Kate’s blog at: https://hemakesmenew.com