Cyndi Kay GreenToday's Hope

August 10, 2020

I find it odd how we hardly hear anything about the book of Philemon. It is a short book, yet it has such a powerful lesson within the words. A little background on Philemon is that he was wealthy and at some point one of his slaves, Onesimus, ran away. The book of Philemon revolves around these three men and acts of repentance, forgiveness, and acceptance.

At one point, Philemon hears Paul preaching and is converted. Just as he was forgiven of his sins, Philemon is asked by Paul to show the same forgiveness to his slave, Onesimus. However, Paul also pleads with Onesimus to return to Philemon and set things right.

This is a classic example of the instruction that we are given about going to our brothers and sisters when we have been wronged by them. We are instructed many times to forgive and love. But I believe it carries us farther than we truly know. When we forgive and show grace, we not only empower them, but we empower the Body of Christ. Because as we come together in Christ we become strengthened by each other. Not only are we strengthened, but we build up the Body of Christ.

Let us be like Paul and plead for peace between brothers and sisters in Christ. We need each other if we are to build up the Kingdom and the Church.

~Cyndi Kay

Philemon 1-25