Cyndi WoodsToday's Hope

November 18, 2020

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.  Isaiah 55:8 (ESV)

Oh Sister, how many times have we heard these words? All to often, we are saturated with thoughts of how to make things work out “perfectly” that we forget who actually has the Master plan. Thinking we know the best way to get things done, we just plow straight through all the decisions without once waiting to hear what God says. Then, we find ourselves in the middle of a disaster that could have been avoided had we just waiting to hear the better plan.

Then there are times when we wait to hear what the plan is, only to try to complete it our way. We don’t wait for the details we just turn all Scissorhands as we do things our way. And yet again, we find ourselves in the middle of a mess that could have been avoided.

I am getting better at this, especially now that I work from home in a business that He brought me to. I know that within myself, I am not the creator that He has made me to be. Every design is His. Every writing is His. And oh, how much I enjoy the lack of stress when I get up to go to work. Even when the order board is full and I get a “ut oh” feeling for a moment, I know that He has got this.

LadyBug the simplest decision we can make is to just let God lead us. To fully heed this declaration and let His thoughts and ways BECOME our thoughts and ways.

Let us seek Him in all things to learn of His thoughts and ways so that we may have a life that is stress free.

Much Love,
~Cyndi Kay