Christian LivingJuanita Headley

Delayed & Divinely Relocated

I’ve heard it said many times that “A disappointment is God’s appointment,”; “God’s delay is not God’s denial” and “When you’re late it’s because God is protecting you from something.”

Now, I’ve personally not seen any of the above in the Bible, but what I do know it says is that God’s “…thoughts are not our thoughts,” (Isaiah 55:8). He works on a completely different wavelength from us which means that God has the advantage of knowing the end of the story.

When the boat I was on in St. Vincent was delayed 3 hours past its schedule I became stranded. Unable to contact my host at that late hour I reached out to a friend for help and she arranged a place for me to stay. The next morning I called the clinic to schedule a PCR test. There was a lot of back and forth on the phone, until I was told to get to the clinic immediately so that my test could be placed on the 9.30 a.m. boat.

The time was 9.15 a.m. I ran to the clinic in under 3 minutes but was told I needed money to pay so I had to run back to my host’s home and then back again to the clinic. I did it all in the nick of time and my test was placed on the 9.30 a.m. boat. My late arrival and last minute sleeping arrangements were a blessing in disguise because instead of being twenty minutes away I was three minutes away from the clinic. This was most definitely divine relocation.

When things don’t go according to plan in your life, hold onto the promise in Romans 8:28 “…that all things work together for good,” and know that the creator of the universe is in complete control.