Fashion & BeautyKarissa Hagemeister Irani

Autumn Wardrobe

Jackets, booties, scarves and more

If you are one of the lucky ladies that gets to enjoy the autumn season, then you are likely going to need a few important staples in your closet. I personally love watching the leaves change colors and experience the welcoming drop in temperature. Fall fashion happens to be my top favorite fashion to wear each year. However, I have been living in Florida for several years now and we miss out on this season change all together. So I have to pretend that it is cool enough by cranking the air up in order for me to sport my booties, scarves and Moto jackets. 

As the weather starts to cool down you are going to want to start bundling up. This means you are going to want at least one nice jacket, maybe even two or three of them. If you are not ready to go full out, bundling up in a jacket, the shacket has become a new, fun fall staple. Maybe you have heard of a shacket, maybe you have not. The shacket is a shirt and jacket combined. So it is going to be a little lighter than a jacket would be but you can take it off and put it on as easily as a jacket. They are normally made with buttons down the center. Think of a flannel but with more options and less plaid. 

My personal favorite ways too cover up from the cold is wearing sweaters, blazers and Moto jackets. They each bring that extra layer of warmth that we crave as the weather cools but they also are very trendy and can spruce up your outfit. Each also has a different statement to share with the world, so keep that in mind as you are picking out you’re favorites for the season. The best part about blazers and jackets are that you can remove them when you start getting a little toasty. 

Scarves are going to be one of your best friends during the fall season. Scarves are super fun because you can literally wear them so many different ways but they are also a great way to bring some life or color to your wardrobe. If you do not have much money to spend on new fall staples, stock up on scarves because you could wear the same outfit almost everyday and most would not even notice as long as you had a different scarf on. Think of them as a statement piece for your outfit. Don’t forget, wearing a scarf does keep your neck warm but it can also be used to keep you face and head warm. The funnest scarfs come with pockets to keep your hands warm as well. 

Fall is also a great time to wear booties, a nice transition before jumping in and wearing full on long boots. Booties give your feet the extra warmth without warming up your calves too. With fall, the weather can be a little bit like a roller coaster. It is cooler in the mornings and the evenings but warms up when the sun is out. It is helpful to have the layers on that can easily be removed when you start to warm up. Booties also make you a little more comfortable so you do not get overheated when the sun is out. 

Now that we have covered the regular closet staples for fall, let’s dive into the finer details. 

Say that you want to wear a cute, shorter dress for a date night. It is cold out and your booties and jacket will help keep you warm but what can you wear to cover the exposed part of your legs? My two favorite options that look fashionable and are going to keep you warm are either panty hose (I prefer solid black) or thin leggings (also stick to a solid black). Here is a pro secret, pairing either of these with black booties makes it look 100 percent better. The reason I said to wear black is because fall is not the season to be wearing bright or light colors. Most of what we will be wearing is going to be dark and black goes great with everything. However, if your dress is black as well, maybe throw on a scarf that has a little color to lighten the mood of your outfit. You can wear all black if you like but having a little color will make you appear more playful and fun on your date. 

The next debate circles around hats. To wear a hat or not … that is the question. Are hats practical for fall? They will definitely help in keeping your head warm, and I love them all (all kinds) so I say go for it. Some people say that hats do not look good on them but I cannot think of ever seeing a person that looked bad with a hat on. If you are not brave enough to wear a hat though, go with a beanie. They are able to keep your head and ears warm. They look really adorable too. 

For more fun fashion tips like these, you can follow me on Instagram. I post several times a week with styling tips and advice. My profile is under @karissaluvhagemeister.

If you happen to be so blessed to be able to get a whole new fall wardrobe, or if your kids have outgrown their clothes from last fall, make a kind gesture this fall. In the Word, Matthew 25:40, it says that when you have done any of these things to the least or less fortunate, it is like you are doing it for God. When you see people in your area that look like they might be homeless or in need, offer them things to keep them warm as well. Many schools and churches will work with you, helping connect your gently used but much needed goods to keep others warm during the fall and into winter. 

Enjoy the fall weather, bundle up and most of all, have fun doing it.