Daily DiscernEmerge!Michelle Gott Kim

EMERGE! ‘Bloom Where You Are Planted’

A Season to Plant: Mustard Seed Sized Certainty

March 25th, 2022

Luke 8:15, ‘The seed that fell into good, fertile soil represents those lovers of truth who hear it deep within their hearts. They respond by clinging to the Word, keeping it clear as they endure all things in faith. This is the seed that will one day bear much fruit in their lives.’ (TPT)

The word of God uses analogies—or parables, rather—of seeds to describe and prescribe many authenticities to life. We all know of the mustard seed, a seed tiny in size and great in stature. Jesus draws practical comparisons between the size of a mustard seed and simple but essential things in life such as the expansion of saving lost souls and also the necessity of faith.

We find these truths in both of the following verses: Matthew 13:31-32, ‘Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, which indeed is the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.”’ (NKJV). And in Matthew 17:20, it says, ‘He told them, “It was because of your lack of faith. I promise you, if you have faith inside of you no bigger than the size of a small mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move away from here and go over there,’ and you will see it move! There is nothing you couldn’t do!”’ (TPT)

A mustard seed is tiny. Have you ever held one in your hand? In fact, unless you have a handful of mustard seeds, it’s as if you hold nothing at all. But there is so much possibility in the DNA of a mustard seed. Just like there is so much possibility in the DNA of you. You hold the potential of saving a generation of lost souls and the faith with which you conduct your life can make monumental and mountainous changes in the lives of others around you, as well as in yourself and your surroundings. Your belief in the power of God’s grace and walking in the purpose He has designated for you will multiply the significance of all things, even tiny as mustard seeds. It is humanity who believes that only things of great size and importance have value, but our Father uses the insignificant, the impoverished, the crippled, the maimed, the dead and dying, the tiny, to prove His great love for mankind, a love so huge it’s as enormous as a mustard seed is small.

One of the greatest things you and I can ever do is BLOOM where we are PLANTED. Beautiful things grow from the fertile soil of a willing heart.