DevotionalsGoodness & Grace DevotionalKerry S. Teravskis


Remain in Me and I will remain in you.  John 15:4 NIV

A promise of grand proportions.  At first glance we see what we need to do – but upon closer inspection, we note a promise is given.  

About a year ago, I was truly struggling with enduring the affliction I am in.  Broken feet, confined to my room, wheelchair, no driving, etc, etc, etc.  I was done, but God was not done with me.  There’s the rub.  Have you ever noticed that we want to quit far sooner than God wants us to quit?  I would say, for me at least, it’s 100% of the time.  

Hasta la vista.  Adios.  Later.  Outta here.

Yup.  When the tough gets going, I like to go right along with it.  But, God has other plans.  He wants us to remain.  In the thick of it, middle of it, or even at times what we think is the middle is still actually the beginning.  A long beginning at that.  

It’s what remain means.  Stay.  Hang out.  Chill.  Abide.  Endure.  You could say this:


I am not sure I like it any more than the next person, but my likes and opinions don’t matter in the kingdom of God.  Paul writes in Ephesians 5:10 that we need to find out what pleases God – and it turns out that remaining in Him pleases Him.

And, as I was typing this a thought came to me.  Maybe this pleases Him so much so that He can remain in us.  He can abide in us.  Dwell in us.  And, the most endearing for me, endure in us.

The Saviour of the world chooses to endure in us.  Sinful man, selfish man, thoughtless man.  Christ chooses to make His home among us and dwell.  Set up camp, pitch a tent, live life.

Jesus moves into our neighborhood (John 1:14 MSG) and sticks around.  I find this fascinating.  Reassuring.  Comforting.  His dwelling is my heart.  My heart which is so small at times, houses the Mighty Son of God, Who is enormous.  

In my obedience, God fulfills His promise to dwell in me richly.  I do not have to go this life alone.  I am not expected to go it alone.  I am promised the Son of God, Jesus, to abide in me.  Quite the promise.

I’m in.  How about you?

Father God, You are amazing.  Your Presence is all I need.  Because of You, I can be filled with You.  I can be indwelt by the Saviour of the world.  As I work out my salvation, walk with You daily and live my life pursuing You – I will be rewarded in this life with You in me.  I’ll take it.  Plain and simple.  AMEN