Healthy HolidaysLisa Vasseur Jarvis

Healthy Happy Holidays: “The Gift of Gratitude”

The holidays are more than presents and being together with family and friends. They are also about being thankful. This year, more than ever, we need to truly be thankful for the many blessings we all have in our lives. It can be easy to focus on the things that are different this year due to the pandemic. We all need to concentrate on all the things that are good around us and inside of us. Think on the things that you do have and not the things that you do not. Turns out, having an attitude of gratitude can be really good for your health, and lead to deeper and more meaningful relationships. Gratitude truly is a gift, both to the people in your life, as well as to yourself.

There are many positive physical, social and emotional health benefits of showing appreciation and being grateful. Did you know that studies have found that people who spend more time focusing on what they are grateful for spend less time experiencing as many aches and pains? Counting your blessings really can be just what the doctor ordered! Having an attitude of gratitude can boost your mood and feelings of well-being. It can even improve sleep! It really is a mindset that we need to practice and cultivate daily in our lives. In fact, being thankful is a way of life that Christ commands of his followers. Psalms 9:1-2 says, “I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you ; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.” We are to have a thankful heart. It can be easy to slip into a habit of seeing the worst of people and circumstances. Sometimes we are weighed down by all of the pressures and circumstances around us. The Bible tells us over and over again to be thankful and to praise the Lord always. This is not just a good thing to do; it is actually good for us as well. Sometimes, being thankful to the Lord or to someone else can be a sacrifice. Sometimes we may not feel like it. We have a choice everyday to give thanks to the Lord and show appreciation to the people in our lives that love us and care for us. As we step out and offer our praise and thankfulness to God, in all circumstances. it really does change our heart. God’s power, through hearts of gratitude, releases the grip our circumstances and struggles have over us. We are strengthened by His peace and fueled by His joy when we just decide to have an attitude of gratitude.

Gratitude improves our outlook on life. Looking on the bright side, so to speak, can make us more optimistic and content. It can get rid of feelings of envy or regret. It can boost self-confidence and self-esteem. Our attitude of thankfulness can spill over and positively affect our relationships. When we are truly appreciative of the people in our lives, it will more than likely be reciprocated. This leads to longer-lasting and deeper relationships. This Christmas, instead of buying a gift for a friend or family member, consider writing a heart-felt note of gratitude for that person. This will, no doubt, be one of the highlights of that person’s holiday! When we are less envious and less focused on material things ,we will be more likely to focus on the things that truly matter that are right there in front of you. Don’t wait to tell the people you love how you feel about them. This will not only bless their heart, you will also be blessed!

This Christmas season, take time to focus on, and maybe even write down daily, the things that you are grateful for! You might be surprised at how long that list becomes! We have the gift of life! Enjoy it! We have Jesus who gave His life for us so we can really live! He didn’t just come to give us life, but He came to give us life to the full! Give yourself and those around you the gift of gratitude this Christmas! Merry Christmas!