Dr. MelHope for the Hurtingself help

Hope for the Hurting with Dr. Mel Tavares

The Faithfulness of Jesus

I love the hymn “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” Do you know it? I love the line that says, “Can we find a friend so faithful, who will all our sorrows share?” Because we are humans, at times, we will fail our friends, and they will fail us. Recently, I failed a friend by not following up with her about her skin cancer diagnosis. Isn’t it wonderful to know that Jesus does not forget, get too busy, or lack compassion in our time of need? 

The Hebrew meaning of faithfulness is steadfastness, firmness, and fidelity. The opposite of faithfulness would be wavering and constant change. We know from the Bible that God (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) are unchanging God is faithful. 

As you get to know God and His character better, you will recognize His faithfulness in your life, in the big things and the small. Studying the Bible will reveal a pattern of His faithfulness throughout the ages. The Lord cannot and does not lie (Numbers 23:19), and what He says will come to pass. When you read in Isaiah 43:2, He will be there as you walk through the waters and fire; you can trust His faithfulness. He is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34), so what He has done for others, including me, He wants to do for you.  

Matthew 24:35(ESV) says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”  That passage means exactly what you think it means. The words spoken by God (found in the Bible) will not change and will not cease being valid, even though this earth will (and the new earth come to be). 

We can trust in the faithfulness of God, in the person of Jesus when we need healing. Psalm 147:3 tells us Jesus heals the brokenhearted. Matthew 9:35 tells of Jesus going village to village healing every manner of sickness and disease. Whether we need healing in our spirit or physical body, Jesus cares and is faithful to heal. 

Think back over the past year, then the past decade, and then back over the years since childhood. As you reflect, make a note of all of the times God has come through for you. Remember that often those needs have been met through people that God has put in your path. Can you recall when you had a financial need, and someone blessed you with money or food? The time you were so downcast and discouraged and a friend dropped by for coffee and spent time encouraging you? These are demonstrations of how God faithfully meets our needs. 

God always hears you (1 John 5:14, Psalm 34:15),  always supplies your needs (Philippians 4:19), and loves you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3).  He  who started a good work in you is faithful to complete it (Philippians 1:6).  What do you need from God today? Whatever the need, you can trust that God is faithful. Bring your requests before the throne and know that Jesus hears you and is ever-interceding on your behalf to God the Father (Hebrews 7:25).