Alicia SearlChristian Living

How to “Fall Back in Love” with Jesus

Have you ever experienced a time when you were on fire for God? Like you felt it in your bones and wanted to shout from the rooftops your profound love for the Lord. You were itching and ready to share your faith with anyone who would listen. Maybe when you first accepted Christ into your life you felt that way?

I’ve had those moments where too, where I was on the top of the mountain (both figuratively and literally) ready to declare His goodness! Just pouncing at the chance to share with the world the wild and incredible love Jesus has for all of us!

Is there truly anything better than that feeling?

However, on the contrary, there have been times on this journey when God has seemed distant. Those moments in which the bedrock of our faith feels shaky at best. In those times, we can lose sight of hope and more importantly, our purpose. Maybe you are in that season right now.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.

As we enter the season of fall, a new season, it’s often a time to reflect on what we have done in the past, then respond to what we can do in the future. Fall is like the reset button we never knew we needed until it arrives every year.

So, if you find yourself far from God, seeking just a little glimmer of His presence, His love, His grace and mercy, may you find comfort in the emergence of this new season. May this season wrap you up like a cozy blanket and invite you to get to know Jesus again.

Still not convinced there are ways to rekindle His love? Or maybe you feel as if your heart has grown too cold with past hurts and hang-ups? Oh friend, I have been there. Fortunately for us, God knows our hearts better than we do. He knows we’ve been keeping Him at arm’s length, yet still begging for Him to enter our lives. He understands the human nature we possess and our constant push and pull when it comes to our relationship with Him. But, He is asking you to surrender and stop the fight.

He is waiting to be with you and remind you that you are ever so loved.

Here are five ways to fall back in love with Jesus:

1. Dig into His Word. Not sure where to start or how to read the Bible without feeling intimidated or a little overwhelmed. Try one of these books: Proverbs, the Gospel of John, Acts, or Ephesians. Open up in prayer and invite Jesus into your heart, then read a little at a time and reflect on what the passage is saying. Journal or write down verses that stand out to you. Just open up His Word and He will meet you in the pages.

2. Meet Him in His Creation. This time of year boosts beautiful landscapes with the bright crisp colors of red, orange and yellow. So, get out and enjoy it. Breath in the fresh air, walk along a new path and take in the wonders of this season, all while meeting with Jesus in the process.

3. Get Sill and Quiet. Then Listen. Psalms 46:10 tells us to be still for a reason. In the hustle and bustle of this life it’s easy to feel distant from God. It’s in those moments that we slow down and seek peace, that is when we hear the whisper of His Truth.

4. Write Your Heart Out. Do you have a diary or write in a journal? There is something therapeutic about writing down our thoughts. Take your heart to the page and lay it all out – just between you and Jesus. You may discover that He meets you in those pages and softly reminds you of the loves He has for you.

5. Praise Him Through Worship Music. We were created to praise our God (Isaiah 43:21). When we tune in to worship music and lift up our voice to Him something super sweet happens. Even if it starts out as apathetic, in time it will become meaningful and you will feel re-connected to your Savior in a new way.

Happy Fall, my friend. May you find your first true love and enjoy this beautiful time of year!