Christian LivingCyndi Woods

I Am Friends With Someone Famous

When I was younger, my absolute favorite TV show was “Little House on the Prairie”. I never missed an episode. I loved the show-downs between Nelly and Laura. It was my little escape from the here and now to live vicariously in the 1800” s. I just loved it! I still do.

As much as she was a nasty little girl, I couldn’t wait to see what tricks ol’ Nelly conjured up. She sure had a mean spirit but she seemed to always befall some consequence for her misdeeds. Everyone knew nasty Nelly and most people loved to hate her character. That would have been like meeting Elvis for me!

Fast forward to the present time and the age of Facebook. I found a fan page for other Little house junkie’s. We fans actually have a name… we are known as Bonnet Heads! Well upon perusing my fan page, I happened to catch a give-away that they were doing. It was for an autographed copy of Alison Arngrums new autobiography. I of course jumped all over that, which is funny since I can’t read print. But hey… Nelly would have signed it! I remember thinking how great it would be if I were to ever get a chance to meet any Little House characters in real life. But since that wasn’t likely to happen, a Facebook group was the next best thing. The contest was a trivia type thing. There were a series of questions and low and behold… I was the only one who got every single question right! I’m not sure that is something to be proud of but never-the-less, I won the book! So, while I awaited my autographed copy of Alison’s book, I jumped on Facebook to check notifications. One such notification stood out like it was dancing around. I had a friend request… a friend request from none other then Nelly Olsen herself, Alison Arngrum! I immediately thought it was fake and hopped on my fan page to check this information out. After checking with some admins, it was in fact a legitimate friend request. Nelly Olsen friend requested me??? I accepted the request and within a couple hours, she had messaged me on messenger. I was talking directly to one of my favorite characters from my favorite show! I was so giddy I couldn’t stand it! I was friends on Facebook and talking real time with Alison Arngrum… AKA…Nasty Nelly.

But wait a minute… why was I so star-struck by this? Why was it so incredible to me that I was now friends with Nelly Olsen? I have already been friends with the most famous person that ever existed. I talk with this famous person daily. This famous person is always available to talk with me even though they have so very much to deal with daily. So many people talk to this famous person everyday but they always have time for everyone. Did I somehow forget that this famous person was my friend? Did I think that being friends with Nelly was more important then being friends with someone even more famous? Do you know who this famous person is?

Psalm 121:2 “My help comes from the Lord, who made Heaven and earth.” (ESV)

I am friends with the Lord… the one who made Heaven and earth and everything in it. I’d say that makes Him the most famous person that ever existed, wouldn’t you? He is available to talk with each and every one of us every single day. Alison… as lovely as she is to her fans… can only talk to so many people in a day. God is there for everyone. Has it been a minute since you’ve talked with this famous person? I’ve got good news… you don’t need a friend request to talk with God. He is listening whenever we call on Him.

We don’t need to send an instant message and wait for a response. Have a chat with the most famous person in the world… He’s got time. Then you can brag that you are friends with the most famous person who ever existed. No Facebook needed.