Christian LivingCynthia Angeles-Alcantara

I Am Who God Says I Am

One Sunday morning for breakfast, we decided to go for a drive-through at McDonald’s. I ordered a “cheeseburger” but the crew said that it wasn’t available. I asked what sandwiches were available and was told they only had “Cheesy Burger McDo”. So we ended up ordering “Cheesy Burger McDo”, the same food we wanted to order in the first place.

For a moment we laughed and I thought: what could be the difference between a cheeseburger and a “cheesy burger mcdo”?

It wasn’t long before I realised something. A cheeseburger could be anyone’s burger with cheese, but a “cheesy burger mcdo” is a McDonald’s cheeseburger. It has the name of its maker. Its identity, quality, and reputation must be preserved. That was the difference!

Funny as it seemed, it brought me to remember who I am. Because the Lord Jesus redeemed me, God has adopted me as His very own child.

I am not anybody’s Cynthia.

I am my Creator’s Cynthia.

I am the Heavenly Father’s child.

My identity as God’s daughter makes me even more special because I carry His name. How awesome it is to be free and privileged to call upon God, the King of kings, my Father.

But I am not the only child.

This is also true to those who have put their faith in the Lord Jesus and is completely surrendered to Him, whose life is now being led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are His children, that’s why we can call upon Him Father (Romans 8:14-16).

Since God is our Father, we must protect this identity, by fully trusting Him, fully needing Him, and fully depending on Him. As children, we have full rights to receive His inheritance because He made us heirs of His glory (Romans 8:17). The term God’s heirs place emphasis on our relationship with God the Father. We have “an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade away kept in heaven” (1 Peter 1:4). 

Think of all these things, our Father owns everything and we are His beneficiaries. And where He is, there we belong. Amazing grace!

We can go on with this life stronger and hopeful, knowing that whatever comes our way is but a part of the journey as His children, and our Father is the True Source of our every need.

He is the answer to our dreams.

He is the completion of our plans.

God’s adoption of us as His children is our assurance of His love for us. And our obedience to the Father is our commitment to reciprocate His love.